Compiler Construction
A refreshing antidote to heavy theoretical tomes, this book is a concise, practical guide to modern compiler design and construction by an acknowledged master. Readers are taken step-by-step through each stage of compiler design, using the simple yet powerful method of recursive descent to create a compiler for Oberon-0, a subset of the author's Oberon language. A disk provided with the book gives full listings of the Oberon-0 compiler and associated tools. The hands-on, pragmatic approach makes the book equally attractive for project-oriented courses in compiler design and for software engineers wishing to develop their skills in system software. -
《lex与yacc》(第二版)是惟一一本专门介绍这两个重要的UNIX编程工具的书。这本新版本是完全的修订版,并以很多新的扩充示例代替了旧的示例。几个介绍性章节已经完全重写,还有一章专门介绍实现SQL语法,给出了有经验的程序员希望看到的各种细节。 本书对lex和yacc的重要主题提供了详尽的参考。对所有主要的lex和yacc的MS-DOS和UNIX版本,本书都进行了介绍,包括AT&T lex和yacc、Berkeley yacc、Berkeley/Gnu flex、Gnu bison、MKS lex和yacc、Abraxas PCYACC等等。 “太棒了!我已经读完《lex与yacc》的第二版……总而言之,这是一件伟大的作品 —— 这本书比第一版充实很多,详实而透彻。阅读的过程中,我经历了无数次的惊喜,心里总想‘可惜了,他们已经错过了也许是细微而精妙的地方,我先做个注释’,然而随后在下一个句子或段落就看到对该问题的阐释。” “[John Levine]做了大量的工作来完善这本书。我很高兴最终有一本好书推荐给人们。” ——Vern Paxson,flex的开发者 -
This exciting new book combines a detailed study of modern theories of compiler design with a complete description (with source code)of a working compiler for a small language.The book reflects the author's conviction that practical aspects of compiler design cannot be understood without a grasp of theory,and that theory cannot be truly comprehended by undergraduate students without seeing it put into actual practice.Unifying the text's discussion of concepts is a complete working compiler written in C and developed using the techniques discussed in each chapter. Extensive exercise sets at the end of each chapter focus student's attention on specific programming problems. -
《编译原理及实践》系统介绍了经典的编译理论和技术,同时也包含了面向对象语言等当前较新语言的编译技术。本书更可贵之处在于提供了较完整的适用于教学实践的样例语言,是一本理论和实践内容相结合的、不可多得的好书。 《编译原理及实践》可用作大专院校教材、教师参考书以及编译器研究人员的参考资料。 -
本书系统地介绍了可变目标ANSIC编译器1cc的设计方法和实现技术。1cc是一个实用的编译器,能够不同的目标机器生成代码。本书结合1cc的具体实现,详细讲术了存储管理、符号表、词法分析、语法分析、中间代码生成、优化、目标代码产生等编译程序的各个部分。全书共分19章,在各章之后均附有练习。 与其他介绍编译技术的教材相比,本书特色鲜明,实用性强,适合作为高等院校计算机专业的编译原理课程的教材或参考书,对从事编译相关工作的技术人员也有很好的参考价值。 -
Compiling with Continuations
This book shows how continuation-passing style is used as an intermediate representation to perform optimizations and program transformations. Continuations can be used to compile most programming languages. The method is illustrated in a compiler for the programming language Standard ML. Prior knowledge of ML, however, is not necessary, as the author carefully explains each concept as it arises. This is the first book to show how concepts from the theory of programming languages can be applied to the production of practical optimizing compilers for modern languages like ML. All the details of compiling are covered, including the interface to a runtime system and garbage collector.