《向量微积分》主要内容:Vector calculus is the fundamental language of mathematical physics. It provides a way to describe physical quantities in three-dimensional space and the way in which these quantities vary. Many topics in the physical sciences can be analysed mathematically using the techniques of vector calculus. These topics include fluid dynamics, solid mechanics and electromagnetism, all of which involve a description of vector and scalar quantities in three dimensions. This book assumes no previous knowledge of vectors. However, it is assumed that the reader has a knowledge of basic calculus, including differentiation, integration and partial differentiation. Some knowledge of linear algebra is also required, particularly the concepts of matrices and determinants. -
Thomas' Calculus (11th Edition)
The new edition of Thomas is a return to what Thomas has always been: the book with the best exercises. For the 11th edition, the authors have added exercises cut in the 10th edition, as well as, going back to the classic 5th and 6th editions for additional exercises and examples. The book's theme is that Calculus is about thinking; one cannot memorize it all. The exercises develop this theme as a pivot point between the lecture in class, and the understanding that comes with applying the ideas of Calculus. In addition, the table of contents has been refined to match the standard syllabus. Many of the examples have been trimmed of distractions and rewritten with a clear focus on the main ideas. The authors have also excised extraneous information in general and have made the technology much more transparent. The ambition of Thomas 11e is to teach the ideas of Calculus so that students will be able to apply them in new and novel ways, first in the exercises but ultimately in their careers. Every effort has been made to insure that all content in the new edition reinforces thinking and encourages deep understanding of the material. -
《数学翻译丛书:高等微积分(修订版)》是哈佛大学的高等微积分教材,内容涵盖了从基本的向量空间概念到经典力学基本定理。包括多元微积分、外微分、微分形式的积分等。《数学翻译丛书:高等微积分(修订版)》的特点是作者从拓扑一几何的观点来写微积分。用更现代的方式讲线性代数,把线性代数与微积分紧密地结合起来,这顺应了当代数学“拓扑几何与分析结合”的发展潮流。 -
微积分入门1:一元微积分,ISBN:9787115172617,作者:(日本)小平邦彦 著;裴东河 译 -
《托马斯大学微积分》是受到广泛赞誉的《托马斯微积分》的精编版本.这个精编版本根据当今大学微积分课程的目标取舍主题,浓缩题材,使其更适于教学和学习。同时,《托马斯大学微积分》继承和发扬原著的优点:坚持准确性和严谨性,突出应用,强调练习和技能训练,融入现代化技术手段,并且保持良好的可读性。 《托马斯大学微积分》前半部分讨论一元函数的微积分,其中包含对函数的复习;后半部分论述多元函数的微积分。 《托马斯大学微积分》适合作为高等院校理工科本科课程教材或教学参考书,同时也可作为科学技术人员的自学用书。