[内容简介] 全民创业的浪潮中,如何抓住共享经济带来的机遇?没有营收模式还一直烧钱的公司,如何赢得投资人的青睐?一轮死、二轮死、N轮死的魔咒下,怎样才能成功活下来?面对数十亿美元的收购要约,创始人究竟应该如何抉择?没有资金又不懂技术,是否就无法分享互联网创业的红利?《创业头条》一书将为你揭秘上述问题的答案。 阅读《创业头条》一书你会发现,在硅谷最新崛起的互联网亿万富豪身上,有这样一种独一无二、颠覆传统的创业者特质:年轻、大胆,以迅疾的速度、贪婪的野心和先进的领导力,如风驰电掣般接管了这个世界。这些天才少年(当然也包括一部分成年人)拥有世界上最炙手可热的科技公司,他们将一个个巧妙的创意或者产品转化成为人类历史上空前规模的巨额财富。他们的初创公司甚至没有获得任何营收,却能实现超乎想象的天价估值。 《创业头条》一书由《福布斯》杂志编辑兰德尔•莱恩策划、编辑和整理更新,是业内第一本系统介绍新兴互联网亿万富豪及其快速成功途径的综合性图书,为读者带来关于Airbnb、Instagram、Oculus VR、Spotify、WhatsApp、Gopro、Dropbox、Box、Palantir、Snapchat、Tumblr、Houzz、Facebook、Twitter、SpaceX及特斯拉等公司创始人的深度幕后故事。 [编辑推荐] 苹果公司的联合创始人兼前总裁史蒂夫•乔布斯、微软公司的创始人比尔•盖茨、戴尔公司创始人迈克尔•戴尔并称为“科技界三巨头”,是上一代“新发迹阶层”的代表人物。他们在 20 多岁时就成了科技界的颠覆性力量。如今,乔布斯驾鹤西去,盖茨成了全职慈善家,而戴尔公司和苹果、微软一样,被最新崛起的一代看作肥美的猎物而非凶残的捕食者。 以埃隆•马斯克、布赖恩•切斯基、帕尔默•拉奇、杰克•多谢、肖恩•布朗为代表的“互联网海盗”快速崛起,他们出生在互联网的世界里,正踌躇满志地准备向各个行业发起大举进攻。 这场《福布斯》杂志资深互联网观察者与硅谷科技新贵的对话,将揭秘《福布斯》封面人物撼动世界的独家心得!聚焦硅谷科技新贵的成功法则,直击最热门创业公司的商业模式! 湛庐文化出品。 -
[内容简介] 洞察社交网络必读之作,本书深度剖析社交网络引发的三大现象,全面解读社交网络给我们生活、工作和世界带来的伟大变革。 这是一本关于互联网发展趋势的力作,作者就Facebook、MySpace、维基百科、YouTube、Twitter等在全球汇聚了数十亿用户的热门网站进行深入研究,向广大读者全面解读社交网络正在如何改变人们生活、工作和世界。 两位作者结合社交网络中发生的数十个经典案例,深入剖析社交网络中的三大现象:身份日益多元化;地位日益民主化;权力则日益分散化。为读者清晰地描绘出这些变革背后错综复杂的因素,并提出了极有分量而又出人意料的见解,并且还为这些发展趋势指明了方向,对于我们理解这场发生在我们身边至关重要的变革非常具有启发性。 [编辑推荐] 四大重量级领袖维基百科创始人吉米•威尔士、思科公司董事会主席兼首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯、SAP公司前董事会主席兼首席执行官孔翰宁、世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席克劳斯•施瓦布联袂推荐。 维基百科创始人吉米•威尔士称赞本书“这是知道为什么维基百科能改变世界的必读之作”。 作者深度解析数十个精彩案例,见解新颖独到而又有吸引力。《人人时代》(原名《未来是湿的》)、《认知盈余》后,了解互联网发展趋势,社会化媒体研究必读佳作。 [各方赞誉] 吉米•威尔士 维基百科创始人 如果你想知道维基百科为什么能改变世界,那么这是一本必读之作。 约翰•钱伯斯 思科公司董事会主席兼首席执行官 社交网络改变了我们个人生活中的娱乐形式和工作场所中的营业模式,与此类似,Web 2.0工具和技术也正在深刻地影响着我们生活的方方面面。本书就这一重要转变及其影响程度进行了独到的分析。 孔翰宁 SAP公司前董事会主席兼首席执行官 社交网络对公司主管与客户、雇员以及商业合作伙伴之间的关系处理方面影响深远。该书清晰地描述了这一变革背后错综复杂的因素,提出了一种极有分量而又出人意料的见解,并且对这些影响深远的趋势指明了方向。 克劳斯•施瓦布 世界经济论坛创始人兼执行主席 本书充满了透彻的分析、敏锐的见解和启发性的案例研究。它将永久性地改变你对“网络对人们在组织内部进行社会互动和合作的方式产生的影响”这个问题的思考。 -
Here Comes Everybody
A revelatory examination of how the wildfirelike spread of new forms of social interaction enabled by technology is changing the way humans form groups and exist within them, with profound long-term economic and social effects-for good and for ill A handful of kite hobbyists scattered around the world find each other online and collaborate on the most radical improvement in kite design in decades. A midwestern professor of Middle Eastern history starts a blog after 9/11 that becomes essential reading for journalists covering the Iraq war. Activists use the Internet and e-mail to bring offensive comments made by Trent Lott and Don Imus to a wide public and hound them from their positions. A few people find that a world-class online encyclopedia created entirely by volunteers and open for editing by anyone, a wiki, is not an impractical idea. Jihadi groups trade inspiration and instruction and showcase terrorist atrocities to the world, entirely online. A wide group of unrelated people swarms to a Web site about the theft of a cell phone and ultimately goads the New York City police to take action, leading to the culprit's arrest. With accelerating velocity, our age's new technologies of social networking are evolving, and evolving us, into new groups doing new things in new ways, and old and new groups alike doing the old things better and more easily. You don't have to have a MySpace page to know that the times they are a changin'. Hierarchical structures that exist to manage the work of groups are seeing their raisons d'tre swiftly eroded by the rising technological tide. Business models are being destroyed, transformed, born at dizzying speeds, and the larger social impact is profound. One of the culture's wisest observers of the transformational power of the new forms of tech-enabled social interaction is Clay Shirky, and Here Comes Everybody is his marvelous reckoning with the ramifications of all this on what we do and who we are. Like Lawrence Lessig on the effect of new technology on regimes of cultural creation, Shirky's assessment of the impact of new technology on the nature and use of groups is marvelously broad minded, lucid, and penetrating; it integrates the views of a number of other thinkers across a broad range of disciplines with his own pioneering work to provide a holistic framework for understanding the opportunities and the threats to the existing order that these new, spontaneous networks of social interaction represent. Wikinomics, yes, but also wikigovernment, wikiculture, wikievery imaginable interest group, including the far from savory. A revolution in social organization has commenced, and Clay Shirky is its brilliant chronicler. -
The Big Switch
An eye-opening look at the new computer revolution and the coming transformation of our economy, society, and culture. A hundred years ago, companies stopped producing their own power with steam engines and generators and plugged into the newly built electric grid. The cheap power pumped out by electric utilities not only changed how businesses operated but also brought the modern world into existence. Today a similar revolution is under way. Companies are dismantling their private computer systems and tapping into rich services delivered over the Internet. This time it's computing that's turning into a utility. The shift is already remaking the computer industry, bringing new competitors like Google to the fore and threatening traditional stalwarts like Microsoft and Dell. But the effects will reach much further. Cheap computing will ultimately change society as profoundly as cheap electricity did. In this lucid and compelling book, Nicholas Carr weaves together history, economics, and technology to explain why computing is changingand what it means for all of us. -
全书介绍网络经济的十个新游戏规则,分别是:蜜蜂比狮子重要;级数比加法重要;普及比稀有重要;免费比利润重要;网络比公司重要;造山比登山重要;空间比场所重要;流动比平衡重要;关系比产能重要;机会比效率重要! -