乔治•奥威尔的代表作,一部杰出的政治寓言小说, 20世纪影响最为深远的文学经典之一。 ★以62种文字风靡110个国家,全球销量超过5000万册。 ★一面是荒诞不经的情节,一面是入情入理的预警,一面是无与伦比的刺激,一面是难以否定的逻辑,读之触目惊心之余,大有思考回味的余地。 ——王蒙 ★村上春树以《1Q84》向本书致敬。 ★入选《时代周刊》评选的“最好的100本英语小说”。 ★兰登书屋“100本20世纪最佳英语小说”。 ★入选英美中学生必读书书目 -
《奥威尔散文(外国散文插图珍藏版)》讲述了:乔治•奥威尔的文字生动简洁,充满张力,看似不动声色,实则激情涌动。更重要的是,奥威尔的书写摆脱了个人情感的抒发与宣泄,将其揭露恐怖政治、力图改良社会的庄严理想贯穿在字里行间,其作品自然而然流露出灼人的锋芒和震耳的吁求。奥威尔一生贫病交加,但他就像一位坠落人间的普罗米修斯一样,致力于为人间带来光明的种子,置自己的苦难于不顾,执著地坚持自己的信念,将自己短暂而艰难的一生塑成一支温暖的蜡烛。 -
Down and Out in Paris and London
This is Orwell's record of a period in the late Twenties when he lived among the tramps, dregs and plongeurs of London and Paris. 'It is the white-hot reaction of a sensitive observant, compassionate young man to poverty, injustice and the callousness of the rich ...It offers insights rather than solutions; but always insights have to precede solutions ...No one has ever claimed "Down and Out" is its author's best book, yet many of his admirers describe it as their favourite Orwell. Its flaws are numerous, but oddly endearing'. -
《奥威尔书信集》作者奥威尔的文风痛快淋漓,简洁明快。他继承了斯威夫特的平易的传统,但是比起斯威夫特又有了新的发展。他使用的句子更短,选择的词汇更普通、更常见,叙事更加质朴,议论更加直截了当。 -
《动物庄园1984》被认为是20世纪反乌托邦政治讽喻寓言的代表作品之一。庄园的一群动物成功地进行了一场“革命”,将压榨它们的人类东家赶出庄园,建立起一个平等的动物社会。但是“革命”中动物领袖最终却篡夺了革命果实,成为比人类东家更加专制的统治者。 《1984》是一部著名的政治寓言小说,也是一部幻想小说。作品刻画了人类在集权主义社会的生存状态,仿佛一个永不退色的警世标签,警醒世人提防这种预想中的黑暗成为现实,历经几十年,其生命力日益强大,被誉为20世纪影响深远的文学经典之一。 -
Books v. Cigarettes
Beginning with a dilemma about whether he spends more money on reading or smoking, George Orwell's entertaining and uncompromising essays go on to explore everything from the perils of second-hand bookshops to the dubious profession of being a critic, from freedom of the press to what patriotism really means. Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are.