20 世纪最具影响力的英国作家之一 奥威尔首部长篇力作 以亲身流浪经历为素材 揭开贫穷的真相 买中文版送英文版 他的《巴黎伦敦落魂记》让我喜欢得要命,我认为它是一部经典著作。在我看来,这仍是他的最佳作品。 ——亨利•米勒 本书为英国作家奥威尔的首部长篇作品。本书分为两部分,分别围绕两个城市的贫穷地区展开,描写底层社会的生活,深入剖析贫困的真实含义,主角是一位落魄的英国文人。第一部分叙述主角在巴黎当临时工的潦倒经历。第二部分描述主角流落回伦敦,以流浪汉的身份到处颠沛流离的种种经历。 本书根据奥威尔1927年至1931年间对流浪者的调查及亲身体验的真实经历写成,经过多次退稿,于1933年出版。出版后大获好评,长销不衰,也令奥威尔在文坛崭露头角。 -
Why I Write
在线阅读本书 Book Dimension: length: (cm)17.7 width:(cm)11.3 -
Burmese Days
Set in the days of the Empire, with the British ruling in Burma, "Burmese Days" describes both indigenous corruption and Imperial bigotry, when 'after all, natives were natives - interesting, no doubt, but finally only a 'subject' people, an inferior people with black faces'. Against the prevailing orthodoxy, Flory, a white timber merchant, befriends Dr Veraswami, a black enthusiast for Empire. The doctor needs help. U Po Kyin, Sub-divisional Magistrate of Kyauktada, is plotting his downfall. The only thing that can save him is European patronage: membership of the hitherto all-white Club. While Flory prevaricates, beautiful Elizabeth Lackersteen arrives in Upper Burma from Paris. At last, after years of 'solitary hell', romance and marriage appear to offer Flory an escape from the 'lie' of the 'pukka sahib pose'. -
Down and Out in Paris and London (Penguin Modern Classics)
Autobiographical work by George Orwell, published in 1933. Orwell's first published book, it contains essays in which actual events are recounted in a fictionalized form. The book recounts that to atone for the guilt he feels about the conditions under which the disenfranchised and downtrodden peoples of the world exist, Orwell decides to live and work as one of them. Dressed as a beggar, he takes whatever employment might be available to a poverty-stricken outcast of Europe. In Paris he lives in a slum and works as a dishwasher. The essay "How the Poor Die" describes conditions at a charity hospital there. In London's East End, he dresses and lives like his neighbors, who are paupers and the poorest of working-class laborers. Dressed as a tramp, he travels throughout England with hoboes and migrant laborers. -
本书精心选编了乔治·奥威尔的十八篇散文,为读者感悟其自由而人性化的文学价值定位、了解其在那个时代所持有的政治观点,提供了一种视野。亲历两次世界大战的艰辛洗礼,目睹欧洲政治局势的风云变幻;外部世界的苦与痛,英国绅士的安逸漠然,怎不让作家感慨万千。 -