爱默生和中国――对个人主义的反思爱默生是美国思想发展史上的中心人物。他在19世纪上半叶提出的超验主义观点体系,代表了美国文化的精髓,是了解美国精神的钥匙。 本书不仅全面把握了爱默生的思想,而且还打开了西方爱默生研究中一个几乎空白的领域,即爱默生对儒学精神的取与舍。从这点上说,书在国际美国学领域里是一项有首创精神的成果。作者由考察爱默生对儒学的取舍进而对儒学传统与西方的文化精神进行比较,一方面指出了以个人为出发点的美国文化精神的短与长,另方面,通过从历史、哲学、文化、社会、政治诸多领域对“个人主义”观念进行正反两方面的阐析,引导读者对中国传统文化进行全面反思和再认识。思路锐敏新颖,立论鞭辟入里,既有学术水平,又有现实意义。 ――朱 虹 -
以赛亚·伯林是当代影响巨大的理论家,他所提出的“两种自由概念”引起政治哲学界的广泛争议,伯林对浪漫主义思潮、德国唯心论、俄国现代思想也作过深入的研究和探讨。所有这些,都定位于他的价值多元主义框架之内。这本书分为三个部分:第一部分是伯林对浪漫主义的探讨;第二部分是当代重要的理论家对伯林的两种自由概念的讨论;第三部分着力于伯林的生活和生平。 -
Free to Choose
Free to Choose (1980) is a book and a ten-part television series broadcast on public television by economists Milton and Rose D. Friedman that advocates free market principles. Free to Choose: A Personal Statement maintains that the free market works best for all members of a society, provides examples of how the free market engenders prosperity, and maintains that it can solve problems where other approaches have failed. Published in January 1980, the 297 page book contains 10 chapters. Milton Friedman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1976. Contrary to normal practice the book was written after the TV series was produced, although the line "Basis for the acclaimed public television triumph" is written on the front cover, using the program transcripts as reference. The book was on the United States best sellers list for 5 weeks. PBS telecast the series, beginning in January 1980; the general format was that of Dr. Friedman visiting and narrating a number of success and failure stories in history, which Dr. Friedman attributes to capitalism or the lack thereof (e.g. Hong Kong is commended for its free markets, while India is excoriated for relying on centralized planning especially for its protection of its traditional textile industry). Following the primary show, Dr. Friedman would engage in discussion with a number of selected persons, such as Donald Rumsfeld (then of G.D. Searle & Company). The series was rebroadcast in 1990 with Linda Chavez moderating the episodes. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronald Reagan, Steve Allen and others give personal introductions for each episode in the series. This time, after the documentary part, Friedman sits down with a single opponent to debate the issues raised in the episode. -
《世界大师散文坊•要么孤独要么庸俗:叔本华散文选》内容简介:常识,于社会而言是公民意识,于个人而言则是一种觉悟。这是一本常识普及书,相对于梁文道先生娓娓道来的方式,阅读它需要多一点脑力。某种意义上,这位出身富二代的德国怪老头就是治愈系的开山鼻祖。 尼采在阅读他的著作时感慨道,“就犹如一处森林高地——在这里,我们深深地呼吸着清新的空气,整个人感觉耳目一新,重又充满了勃勃生机”。 -
The Power of Pull
In a radical break with the past, information now flows like water, and we must learn how to tap into its stream. Individuals and companies can no longer rely on the stocks of knowledge that they've carefully built up and stored away. But many of us remain stuck in old practices, practices that could undermine us as we search for success and meaning. In this revolutionary book, three doyens of the Internet age, whose path-breaking work has made headlines around the world, reveal the adjustments we must make if we are to take these changes seriously. In a world of increasing risk and opportunity, we must understand the importance of pull. Understood and used properly, the power of pull can draw out the best in people and institutions by connecting them in ways that increase understanding and effectiveness. Pull can turn uncertainty into opportunity and enable small moves to achieve outsized impact. Drawing on pioneering research, The Power of Pull tells us how to apply its principles to unlock the hidden potential of individuals and organizations, and how to use it as a force for social change and the development of creative talent. The authors explore how to use the power of pull to: * Access new sources of information * Attract likeminded individuals from around the world * Shape serendipity to increase the likelihood of positive chance encounters * Form creation spaces to drive you and your colleagues to new heights * Transform your organization to adapt to the flow of knowledge The Power of Pull is essential listening for entrepreneurs, managers, and anybody interested in understanding and harnessing the shifting forces of our networked world. -
三卷本的《法律、立法与自由》由“规则与秩序”、“社会正义的幻象”和“自由社会的政治秩序”三部分组成。本书是第一卷。尽管哈耶克费了很大的力气探讨法律与立法的关系,本书却并非是一部专业的法律学著作。他的法律理论是以解决个人自由与社会秩序之关系的问题为旨归的。同时,法律理论在哈耶克的著作当中又成了理解个人自由与社会治学之关系的重要途径和基本前提。 哈耶克对于组织持悲观态度。他认为,所谓的秩序其实可分为“自生自发的秩序”与“组织秩序”,而这两种秩序是完全不同的。它们分别由内部规则与外部规则来支配。既然社会规则主要体现在法律,那么也就有自由的法律与立法的法律的区别。通常我们所说的“社会的”或者分配的正义,只是在组织秩序中才具有意义。而它在自生自发的秩序中,也就是亚当・斯密所说的“大社会”或者卡尔・波普尔所谓的“开放社会”当中,则毫无疑义且与之完全不相容。值得注意和警惕的是,即使自由民主制度模式占据支配地位,因为代议机构(比如议会)既制定正当行为规则(如立法)又指导或管理政府,而必定导致自由社会的自生自发秩序逐渐转变成一种服务于有组织的利益集团联盟的全权性体制。正是这样,民主体制一步一步远离了它最可靠地保障个人自由的初衷。 在第一卷当中,哈耶克建构起他的自由理论,他重点论证了自由为什么是一个重要价值的问题,自由在哈耶克的整个社会哲学中具有支配性的地位。哈耶克指出,自由就是不受制于不正当的强制,这样,个人在社会当中必须具有确实地获得保障的领域。而法律就是自由的基础。 但是有组织秩序的法律,也有自生自发秩序的法律。即所谓的公法与私法。为了防止混淆公法与私法,就得把法律与立法区别开来。它在学理上建构起了社会秩序规则的二元观,把内部规则与外部规则区分开来。肯定了“私益”的价值。