The complete works of the great Antoni Gaudi (TASCHEN's 25th anniversary special edition) Anyone who visits Barcelona today will come across the works of Antoni Gaudi - the architect who has attracted art-lovers from all over the world to Spain, it was here, in the capital of Catalonia, that the famous master of architecture produced nearly all of his works, including villas for the well-to-do bourgeoisle, the expansive Guell Park (which today is open to the public), and the famous church designed in honour of the Holy Family - a project which was begun over 100 years ago and has yet to be completed. Antoni Gaudi's life was full of contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single church. As a young man Gaudi had a liking for the glamour of social life and the looks of a dandy; in old age, on the other hand, he lived a spartan life. Gaudi never married and devoted his life entirely to his art: architecture. His works have been acclaimed as "soothing oases in a desert of functional buildings," as "precious gems in the uniform grey of rows of houses," and the master himself was acclaimed as the "Dante of architecture". This book provides a sweeping study of his entire career, presenting his complete works via texts and illustrations. -
黑猫侦探 II:极寒之国
新生代欧漫最经典作品 ..................... ※编辑推荐※ ★ 新生代欧漫最经典作品:《黑猫侦探》系列于2000年问世,甫一上市便获得了很大的成功。截至今日,单法语版就创下了150万册的全系列累计销量。这部作品在国内欧美漫画爱好者圈子里已经有了一定的知名度。 ★ 官方渠道引进,忠实原版:此次后浪正式出版官方渠道引进版本,首次从法语原版译出。内文采用128g哑粉纸精装四色印刷,按原作首发版本分单册出版,借鉴了日文版对字体和翻译风格的处理,并经原作者再三审核,尽可能忠实地还原了原作的装帧、色彩和出版风格。 ★ 迪士尼+雷蒙·钱德勒+《动物农庄》:本作画手曾任迪士尼动画画师,画风娴熟,人物形象饱满,特别擅长表现猫科动物。 主人公是一只黑猫,职业是私家侦探,名唤约翰·墨萨德(John Blacksad),烟不离手,风衣不离身,性格冷硬而不乏幽默感,活脱脱一只猫版亨弗莱·鲍嘉。 本系列以20世纪50年代的美国为背景,每册漫画选取一座不同的美国都市,讲一个独立成章、关于人性弱点的故事:贪欲、种族隔离、嫉妒、腐败……画的是动物,讲的却是人性。 ★ 复古黑色电影风格故事:从人物塑造、衣着表情、对话风格、旁白叙事、绘画色调,再到故事套路,本作都完美地复刻了老式“黑色电影”(film noir)的风格。 ★ 水彩画风,坚持手工上色:在漫画产业工业化,流水线创作方式大行其道的今天,《黑猫侦探》坚持了一丝不苟的艺术创作风格。每一格画面都是两位作者反复斟酌、细细打磨的结果,是光与影,色彩与水墨的艺术:打线稿、水彩上色、反复尝试光影效果、填字……稍有差错便得推倒重来。 ..................... ※内容简介※ 《黑猫侦探》(Blacksad)凭借其冷硬派侦探小说风格的叙事、黑色电影风格的旁白及场景氛围、手工上色的水彩画风格、以动物喻人堪比《动物农庄》的犀利,被誉为新生代欧漫中的最经典之作。 《极寒之国》中,墨萨德受客户之托,来到南方一座小镇上展开调查,寻找一位失踪的黑人小姑娘。这是一个白雪遍地、污水横流的地方,弥漫着寒冷、无望的氛围。小镇经济萧条,治安混乱,黑白居民相互仇视,种族歧视主义横行。 墨萨德的调查不仅揭开了种族隔离的面纱,更揭开了小姑娘失踪一案背后令人震惊的往事…… ..................... ※推荐语※ “天才之作!” ——美漫传奇人物尼尔·亚当斯(Neal Adams) “尽善尽美!” ——漫威之父斯坦·李(Stan Lee) “一流作品!好比黑色电影大师失落的分镜故事板重见天日!” ——美国《娱乐周刊》(Entertainment Weekly) -
《现代西班牙语》第一至四册是供高等院校西班牙语专业本科一、二年级使用的口笔语实践课教材,基本上保留了商务印书馆出版的《西班牙语》(同一编者)的结构和体例,但是课文内容几乎全部更新,以适应时代的需求。此外,考虑到学生接受能力的提高,语法难点的配置相应集中,词汇量明显增加。为了便于学生理解和掌握,语法术语的译名也参照国内汉语和英语教学的常用表述方式做了适当调整。\n每册书的课文数量是按每学期授课18周安排的。第一册共24课,前12课的重点是发音训练,每周讲授2课(按10学时/周计算,4学时教1课,1学时复习)。 -
现代西班牙语(第一册),ISBN:9787560015774,作者:董燕生,刘建编 -
伊巴涅斯是西班牙近代伟大的作家和政治家。本书是他的一部重要杰作。小说中的主人公加拉尔陀是一个手艺高妙的鞋匠的儿子,自父亲去世之后,这个有着“小鞋匠”外号的儿童,为了摆脱贫困,毅然选择了做一个斗牛士的生活道路,并迅速成长为一个著名的斗牛士,赢得了金钱和名誉。可他不幸的是被贵妇人所引诱,后来又被她抛弃,最后在斗牛场上被斗牛挑死、血染黄沙。作者以生动而又细腻的笔调刻画人物、描写场景,通过叙述加拉尔陀的波 -
Private investigator John Blacksad is up to his feline ears in mystery, digging into the backstories behind murders, child abductions, and nuclear secrets. Guarnido's sumptuously painted pages and rich cinematic style bring the world of 1950s America to vibrant life, with Canales weaving in fascinating tales of conspiracy, racial tension, and the 'red scare' Communist witch hunts of the time. Guarnido reinvents anthropomorphism in these pages, and industry colleagues no less than Will Eisner, Jim Steranko, and Tim Sale are fans! Whether John Blacksad is falling for dangerous women or getting beaten to within an inch of his life, his stories are, simply put, unforgettable.