Interpreter of Maladies
Navigating between the Indian traditions they've inherited and the baffling new world, the characters in Jhumpa Lahiri's elegant, touching stories seek love beyond the barriers of culture and generations. In "A Temporary Matter," published in The New Yorker, a young Indian-American couple faces the heartbreak of a stillborn birth while their Boston neighborhood copes with a nightly blackout. In the title story, an interpreter guides an American family through the India of their ancestors and hears an astonishing confession. Lahiri writes with deft cultural insight reminiscent of Anita Desai and a nuanced depth that recalls Mavis Gallant. She is an important and powerful new voice. -
Midnight's Children
无恶不作的政客之子、青年富商维奇·拉伊,在众目睽睽之下,枪杀了酒吧女侍:年轻漂亮的女大学生,露比·吉尔。审判一再推迟,但结果一如往常,维奇无罪释放。全国哗然、抗议不断,维奇却大搞宴会、以示庆祝。不料死神不请自来,一声枪响,维奇当场毙命。警方紧急出动,找到六个嫌疑人:一号嫌疑人:莫汉·库马尔。退休贪官,贪图享受,但不时被圣雄甘地附身。他要杀掉维奇,以暴力伸张正义;二号嫌疑人:莎布南·萨沙纳。当红性感女星,虽洁身自好,仍被维奇纠缠不休。为了保护家人,她愿不惜一切代价;三号嫌疑人:艾可提。部落土人,非法进入印度本土。他要拿回落入维奇手中的部落圣物;四号嫌疑人:穆纳。英俊手机惯窃,与维奇有杀父之仇,却与他的妹妹坠入爱河。杀掉维奇,他能大仇得报,但爱情令他绝望;五号嫌疑人:拉里·佩吉。实心眼的美国佬,受笔友欺骗来到印度。他想迎娶梦中情人,但维奇也对她觊觎已久;六号嫌疑人:贾格纳:拉伊。权势熏天的内政部长,为达目的不择手段的流氓政客。除掉儿子维奇,他才能平息沸腾的舆论,保住权位。究竟是谁,干掉了维奇·拉伊?出于公愤,还是私欲?结局比你能想象的更神秘! -
The White Tiger
Synopsis Born in a village in heartland India, the son of a rickshaw puller, Balram is taken out of school by his family and put to work in a teashop. As he crushes coals and wipes tables, he nurses a dream of escape - of breaking away from the banks of Mother Ganga, into whose depths have seeped the remains of a hundred generations. The White Tiger is a tale of two Indias. Balram’s journey from darkness of village life to the light of entrepreneurial success is utterly amoral, brilliantly irreverent, deeply endearing and altogether unforgettable. -
袁田编著的《印度去十次都不够》内容提要:用眼睛看这本书的人,会看到印度各地的异域风情,待人接物的淳朴风气和细微之处的奇趣风物;用头脑看这本书的人,会看到各国的角色陆续登场,分享传奇经历,不吝给予我友情、亲情和爱,交织生命轨迹;用心看这本书的人,只有你们可以读懂书中的密语,发现自己内心里的那一点点蠢动的萌芽,它已经在生长,沉睡中的你睫毛颤动。时机到了,你会真正地醒过来…… 《印度去十次都不够》是一本旅行文学。