学会爱 得到爱
跟着简•奥斯汀笔下的人物分析和测试,找到真实的自己,找到适合你的另一半。珍爱自己,决不游戏人生,远离花花公子和情感骗子。真心、坦诚、宽容最终能赢得属于你的那个他。 目录 第一章 喜欢他就表现出来吧 第二章 爱情不是独角戏 第三章 感情不是拿来玩的 第四章 相信你的直觉 第五章 别被表面现象迷惑 第六章 嫁一个能让你变得更好的人 第七章 钱、孤单都不是结婚的理由 第八章 不要让俏皮变刻薄 第九章 真命天子是“等”出来的 第十章 有一说一,有二说二 -
《简·奥斯汀的绝妙睿语》节选了她针对人性、金钱、婚姻、人生和社会所发表的最尖锐、最深刻、也最有趣的评论。这些语句有的选自她的小说,有的摘自她妙语连珠的信函。这些语句易于浏览,适于引用。相信这本:书的出版不但会使所有的奥斯汀迷欢呼雀跃,也,使那些对她不太熟悉的读者受益匪浅。 简·奥斯汀除了和家族成员保持联系之外,基本与世隔绝,而对所谓的伦敦文学圈更是闻所未闻。可是,她的小说却赢得了圈中文学家的赞誉,著名作家沃尔特.司格特爵士就曾说过:“她在描述日常生活中的琐事、情感和人物方面非常有天赋。” 直到如今,人们仍然一如既往地:喜爱简·奥斯汀的小说,喜爱其中对社会的尖锐评论(往往都带着谐谑的口吻),带有讽刺意味的智慧,喜爱作者的才华横溢,欣赏她喜剧性现实主义的表现手法,以及对人性的绝妙把握。简·奥斯汀的小说一贯强调人类的社会共性,如:浪漫天真,自我幻想,容易上当,贪婪,势利,粗鲁,傲慢,阿谀奉承等等。此外,她的小说还把焦点对准了那些一心想嫁人豪门的女人们,她们丑态百出,想尽一切办法将那些“不太符合标准的”赶出局外。 -
《诺桑格寺》内容简介:“年轻小姐走人世界”,在乡下成长的女孩被带到了巴斯的社交场所,天真烂漫的凯瑟琳·莫兰碰上了各种各样的新奇事。要保留名声还要吸引心仪的男子成为自己的丈夫,这对于莫兰来说,绝不是一件简单容易的事情。 美貌的莫兰从无知迷惑到理解、清楚,从未失去成熟和率真。从一开始年轻、富有、幽默,而且有正义感的亨利·提尔尼就俘获了凯瑟琳的芳心。最后经过怎样的波折,有情人终成眷属…… 阅读手中的这部小说,答案就在您的心中。 -
Becoming Jane Austen
Jon Spence's fascinating biography of Jane Austen paints an intimate portrait of the much-loved novelist. Spence's meticulous research has, perhaps most notably, uncovered evidence that Austen and the charming young Irishman Tom Lefroy fell in love at the age of twenty and that the relationship inspired Pride and Prejudice, one of the most celebrated works of fiction ever written. Becoming Jane Austen gives the fullest account we have of the romance, which was more serious and more enduring than previously believed. Seeing this love story in the context of Jane Austen's whole life enables us to appreciate the profound effect the relationship had on her art and on subsequent choices that she made in her life. Full of insight and with an attentive eye for detail, Spence explores Jane Austen's emotional attachments and the personal influences that shaped her as a novelist. His elegant narrative provides a point of entry into Jane Austen's world as she herself perceived and experienced it. It is a world familiar to us from her novels, but in Becoming Jane Austen, Austen herself is the heroine. -
Sense and Sensibility
In 1811, Jane Austen's first published work, Sense and Sensibility, marked the debut of England's premier noverlist of manners. Believing that "3 or 4 families in a country village is the very thing to work on," she created a brillant tragicomedy of flirtation and folly. Romantic walks through lush Devonshire and genteel dinner parties at a stately manor draw two pretty sisters into the schems and manipulations of landed gentry determined to marry wisely and well. Neither sense nor sensibility can guarantee happiness for either--as romantic Marianne falls prey to a dangerous rascal, and reasonable Elinor loses her heart to a gentleman already engaged. Wonderfully entertaining yet subtle and probing in its characterizations, Sense and Sensibility richly displays the supreme artistry of a great English novelist.