惡魔高校D×D 03
★作者在編輯「試著寫個好色的少年當主角」的要求之下,風格大變的帶點情色的奇幻風戀愛喜劇。 ★在2012年動畫化,受到動畫超越原作的描繪影響,更進一步廣為人知,大受歡迎。 近期公布新動畫化消息。 轉生成為惡魔的兵藤一誠, 以夢想的未來「後宮王」為目標努力修煉。 這時自稱是他的主人莉雅絲的未婚夫的貴族型男 萊薩.菲尼克斯突然現身…… 此時社長竟然說出驚人發言!? -
The novel was Sparks' first published novel, and the third written after The Passing of Wind and The Royal Murders, which were never published. It was written over a period of six months in 1994. Literary agent Theresa Park discovered Sparks after picking the book out of her agency's slush pile. Park liked it and offered to represent him. In October 1995, Park secured a $1 million advance for it from Time Warner Book Group, and the novel was published in October 1996. It was on the New York Times best-seller list in its first week of release. The Notebook spent over a year as a hardcover best seller. -
PS, I Love You
改編同名電影於 2007 年耶誕節檔期隆重上映!由金獎影后希拉蕊史旺 Hilary Swank (黑色大理花懸案、登峰造擊 )及 傑瑞德巴特勒 Gerard Butler (300壯士)主演。 「But I am just a chapter in your life, there will be many more. Remember our wonderful memories, but please don't be afraid to make some more.」深情的丈夫為妻子安排的愛情旅程,從愛中獲得新生的勇氣。 Holly 和 Gerry 這一對神仙眷侶慘遭命運捉弄,但他們的美好生活一夕之間瓦解, Gerry 突然發現罹患腦腫瘤,不久之後便撒手人寰。就在 Holly 正覺得人生乏味、失去活下去的動機時,Holly 讀到 Gerry 為她留下的十封信,Gerry 在信中安慰妻子、教她如何重振精神,教她如何堅強地活下去,甚至為她安排了一段旅行;在這些信件中,最末都註寫著:P.S. I Love You, Holly 也在 Gerry 的愛中獲得勇氣,一步一步前進,面對未來的生活。 本書是作者的第一部作品,但情感描寫深刻而動人,推出後隨即暢銷,感人的故事情節不僅賺得許多熱淚,更被眾多讀者推為「繼 Nicholas Sparks 最佳愛情小說作家」、「不僅能療痛止痛,更能獲得堅強與愛的勇氣」。 -
Love Letters of Great Men, Vol. 1
The Lover's Dictionary
There has to be a moment at the beginning when you wonder whether you’re in love with the person or in love with the feeling of love itself. If the moment doesn’t pass, that’s it—you’re done. And if the moment does pass, it never goes that far. It stands in the distance, ready for whenever you want it back. Sometimes it’s even there when you thought you were searching for something else, like an escape route, or your lover’s face. How does one talk about love? Do we even have the right words to describe something that can be both utterly mundane and completely transcendent, pulling us out of our everyday lives and making us feel a part of something greater than ourselves? Taking a unique approach to this problem, the nameless narrator of David Levithan’s The Lover’s Dictionary has constructed the story of his relationship as a dictionary. Through these short entries, he provides an intimate window into the great events and quotidian trifles of being within a couple, giving us an indelible and deeply moving portrait of love in our time.