《做爱情》的主题,可以分为“做爱”和“爱情”两个部。 如果说我们今天所熟悉的政治、经济、工作机制和环境,是近两百年左右才在人类社会里成形的话,“做爱”与“爱情”的历史就更短了。目前我们对待这两件事的观念和方法,关键的起端不过是大约一百年前,十九世纪末叶的事。如果说历史都是人类当代解释的历史,那么性与爱,也都是人类当代所解释的性与爱。“做爱”和“爱情”从来都不是自然发生的,一直是人类的文化和思想,随不同时代的环境和需求在形塑的。这么看来,我们就可以发现,近年来日益普及的一夜情、援助交际,绝不是因为网络的发展才催生的事情。因而过“做爱“和“爱情”观念的日益模糊而产生的困扰,也绝不是哪一些人的个别问题。”人虽然用不着专门去思考也可以体验、实践爱,但是,如果这样不假思考的话,他很可能不知会做出什么样的莽撞行为。”今道友信早就说这么说过。 -
一个并不快乐的浪子,一个心有所属的情种,16段未遂的爱情,16段都市青年内心深处的脆弱和痴妄。 在与审查方面经历了一系列的争取和妥协后,「ONE 一个」app高赞作者曹畅洲的首部情感短篇集《在我失恋后最难过的那段时间里》终于问世。本书讲述都市青年在爱情中的迷茫与脆弱,作者用细腻的文字、丰沛的情感描写了一段又一段“哀而不伤,色而不淫”的故事。故事或写实、或幻想、或如流水缓缓道来,或如惊涛想象奇崛,然而在每一篇文字的背后,不变的是人们在面对至深情感时共有的无助。 如果你也有难以言说的痛苦,你也有无法悔改的过去,你也有难以割舍的回忆,这些故事或许能够为你代为表达。就像作者说的那样:“人们为了失恋本身而伤心的时间总是越来越少,如果你正在经历,请珍惜。如果你已进入下一人生阶段,请偶尔也回头看看那时候的自己,那最纯粹的自己。” -
安晴编著的《陪你到世界的终结》内容介绍:这是一个全新“美人鱼”的“爱情童话”!他是王子,在水中与她初遇;她是失声的“人鱼”,却不是大海的公主,在被隐藏的真相后沉默……美人鱼在对心爱的人说我爱你的时候,就会成为泡沫,消失掉。但……我爱你,京御。宣的离开,难道是数百年前童话的悲剧再度上演?可我们依旧默默祈祷比能够扭转命运的幸福结局!一起来翻阅《陪你到世界的终结》吧! -
Something Borrowed
"Something Borrowed" tells the story of Rachel, a young attorney living and working in Manhattan. Rachel has always been the consummate good girl---until her thirtieth birthday, when her best friend, Darcy, throws her a party. That night, after too many drinks, Rachel ends up in bed with Darcy's fiance. Although she wakes up determined to put the one-night fling behind her, Rachel is horrified to discover that she has genuine feelings for the one guy she should run from. As the September wedding date nears, Rachel knows she has to make a choice. In doing so, she discovers that the lines between right and wrong can be blurry, endings aren't always neat, and sometimes you have to risk all to win true happiness. "Something Borrowed" is a phenomenal debut novel that will have you laughing, crying, and calling your best friend. -
The History Of Love
Leo Gursky is barely surviving, tapping his radiator each evening to let his upstairs neighbor know he's still alive. But life wasn't always like this: 60 years ago, in the Polish village where he was born, Leo fell in love and wrote a book. And though Leo doesn't know it, that book survived, inspiring fabulous circumstances, even love. -
How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk