Gay Planet
In the thirty years since the Stonewall Inn riots in New York City ushered in the modern era of the gay rights movement, gay culture has truly become out, proud, and international. Gay Planet is a celebration of and comprehensive guide to gay male culture around the globe. Lavishly illustrated with color and black and white photos, Gay Planet explores the major gay "meccas" from Fire Island to Mykonos, discusses the major circuit parties from Sleeze (Sydney) to Black and Blue (Montreal), and sex in all its many and various guises. In a more serious vein, Chaline also delves into the history of the gay movement, aspects of media, health, and politics around the globe, the struggle for equality in various countries, and a world survey of gay lifestyles and attitudes. Indispensible and fun, charming and insightful, this is the perfect gift and guide for every gay man as they continue to explore our out Gay Planet. -
Bites XXL
Giovanni, renowned photographer in Milan’s fashion industry, felt the deep need to produce something lasting along side of his extremely short-lived and fleeting fashion photography. Since his first publication of Bites in 2005 his artworks – hyms to the male sex organ – have sold many thousands times. -
Playgirl 2009 Calendar
健身、跑趴、談戀愛, 這睡、那睡、怎麼睡? 好Gay專屬,純愛(才怪!)生活提案。 純愛嚴選、情色專攻, 寫給G友男兒們的美妙生活建議── 沒讀過這本書,先別誇口已經懂「搞Gay」。 關於唐辛子,你一定要知道的是…… # 曾任「FRIDAE‧亞洲LGBT網」同志專欄作家。 # 已出版《我愛肚臍眼》、《創世基》。《有基生活》為第三部散文創作。 # 秉持「明日兩屌在手不如今日一屌在口」之箴言行事、做人。 # 身材極品、筆健嘴賤。 關於生活,你一定要知道的是…… # 一生只愛一個人,一次只X一根X;還是三人好世界,快樂無極限? # 有些男人愛不起,有的時候炮不得;戀愛總體檢,果然還是太天真? # 露臉不如脫衣服,輕熟不敵棒棒糖;想釣人,交友Apps沒那麼簡單? # 上了床神乎奇技,翻身後你是哪位;讓我們將色辣(Slut)進行到底? # 環遊五國三溫暖,葛格底迪吃透透;挑菜時也需要遵守的品管流程? 當個同志還真不賴! 有基(雞)生活萬歲(睡)萬萬歲(睡) ──唐辛子 @偷偷說:隨書選錄作者祕藏《三溫暖之九硬真精》,慾練此功定有所成,莫忘、莫忘。 -
Straightly gay 一直‧攣
性向,這頭曾被落閘上鎖的洪水猛獸,雖然可以乍現日光,但腳上仍拖著沮喪的鉛球。在處處迴避慾望的道德主義世界,精神陽痿,萬事起頭難,如何摸上一些可供按壓的穴位和神經,讓人性稍稍回春? 打開衣櫃,開門見山,斷背山上自有說不完的曲折和色相。 直路相逢,攣家路窄,攣直之間總有說不清的曖昧與迷思。 《一直‧攣》不是走出衣櫃的獨白,是走出世界的吶喊,連番上下求索、縱橫辯證、曲線反思,只為走出宿命而探路。