Awe and exhiliration--along with heartbreak and mordant wit--abound in Lolita, Nabokov's most famous and controversial novel, which tells the story of the aging Humbert Humbert's obsessive, devouring, and doomed passion for the nymphet Dolores Haze. Lolita is also the story of a hypercivilized European colliding with the cheerful barbarism of postwar America. Most of all, it is a meditation on love--love as outrage and hallucination, madness and transformation. -
20世纪的散文体大师之一弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫1899年生于圣彼得堡。1940年他移居美国,成为著名的小说家、诗人、批评家和翻译家。其代表作《洛丽塔》《微暗的火》《塞·奈特的真实生活》进入现代经典之列,被誉为20世纪最伟大的艺术作品之一。他曾在威斯利 、斯坦福、康奈尔和哈佛教授文学。1961年,他侨居瑞士的蒙特鲁斯。1977年在那儿去世。 -
“振作些!”她喝道,“看那些小丑!” “什么小丑?在哪儿?” “噢,到处都是。就在你身边。草木是小丑,文字是小丑。场景、数字都是小丑。把两件东西放在一起一玩笑、形象一就有了一个三料小丑。来吧!玩吧!虚构世界!虚构现实!” 我真的这样做了。天哪,我真就这样做了。为了纪念最初的那些白日梦,我虚构了这位姑婆,而现如今,她正沿着记忆前廊的大理石台阶,颤颤巍巍地走来,侧着身子,侧着身子,可怜的跛脚夫人,用那黑色手杖的橡皮顶端触着每一级台阶的边缘。 -
《斩首之邀》是纳博科夫反乌托邦的小说代表作。小说的主人公辛辛纳特斯因为与周围庸俗的人们很不一样,所以被认定有罪而判处死刑。在监狱里等待行刑日期最后确定的过程中,他一边忍受着死之将至的痛苦煎熬,一边又身不由己地沦为一场滑稽闹剧的主角。监狱长、囚友、看守、行刑者、亲人、爱人,似真却假,囚室、要塞、行刑广场竟是演出的道具,死亡迟迟不至,希望若有似无。小说中魔幻的光怪陆离且滑稽可笑的场面让人目不暇接。它展示了非理性世界的幻象,讽喻了极权统治的卡夫卡式黑色滑稽悲剧。 -
小说仿效二三十年代电影中盛行的那种廉价三角恋爱故事,一开始就以电影为题,引出主要人物之间的关系。男主角欧比纳斯对影院引座员玛戈一见钟情,“着了魔似的爱看电影”的玛戈一心梦想当影星,当她确信他属于能为她“登上舞台和银幕提供条件”的阶层时,便决定与他来往。欧比纳斯为招待明星而举办的宴会,则为玛戈与昔日情人雷克斯重逢创造了机会,由此构成三角关系,直到小说以悲剧结束。 -
The Annotated Lolita
When "Lolita" was first published in 1955 it created a sensation and established Nabokov as one of the most original prose writers of the twentieth century. This annotated edition, a revised and considerably expanded version of the 1970 edition, does full justice to the textual riches of "Lolita", illuminating the elaborate verbal textures and showing how they contribute to the novel's overall meaning. Alfred Appel, Jr. also provides fresh observations on the novel's artifice, games and verbal patternings and a delightful biographical vignette of Nabokov. The annotations themselves were prepared in consultation with Nabokov while newly identified allusions were confirmed by him during the final years of his life.