The Magician's Nephew (The Chronicles of Narnia)
The Adventure Begins. Narnia... where Talking Beasts walk... where a Witch waits... where a new world is about to be born. On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Aslan's song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible.... -
《大王书》(第1部)(黄琉璃)为长篇小说系列“大王书”的第一部。在这部作品中,出逃自地狱的熄剥夺人间的光明、声音、语言、灵魂……在篡夺了这个疆域无边的大国王位之后,他涂炭生灵,无所不用其极。即便如此,熄仍被心头隐患所纠缠,他担心智慧而美丽的文字总有一天会让人们觉醒,为此,熄呼风唤雨,又发动了一场浩劫…… 可是,熄万万没想到,有一本书从万丈火焰中优美而壮丽地飞上了夜空。它是一本桀骜不驯的书,一本隐藏韬略的书。它是书中之书,是大王书。它的新主人是牧羊少年的茫,茫是一个沐浴天地之灵气而长大的少年,在危难时刻被成千上万的难民拥立为王。 在刀光剑影的漫漫长夜里,茫带领他的军队和百姓与熄旗下的百万军队及巫师团展开殊死较量。作为王,茫有时深感困顿与束缚,渴望回到从前放羊时自在无羁的生命状态,但却有一种力量在推动着茫带领他的军队勇往直前…… 作者调动非凡的想象,描绘了一个风烟瑟瑟、扑朔迷离的陌生世界,演绎出千军万马攻城、追击、迎战的宏大战争场面,刻画了一个少年王波澜起伏的成长历程。在血流漂杵的残酷战争中,心灵的呼吸、生命的搏动永无停歇。 -
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Book Description Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , the sixth book in J.K. Rowling’s bestselling series, picks up shortly after we left Harry at the end of The Order of the Phoenix. Lord Voldemort is acting out in the open, continuing his reign of terror which was temporarily stopped almost 15 years beforehand. Harry is again at the Dursleys, where the events of the previous month continue to weigh on his mind, although not as much as the impending visit from his Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Given their last meeting, Harry is understandably confused as to why the old wizard would want to visit him at home. Rowling opens with a chapter she had wanted to use for the first book, of The Philosopher’s Stone--Lord Voldemort has been creating chaos in the Wizard and Muggle communities alike, the war is in full swing and the Wizarding community now lives in fear. The press have been questioning the events at the Ministry which led to the admission of Voldemort’s return, and of course Harry’s name is mentioned a number of times. Harry’s got his problems, but his anxiety is nothing compared to Hermione’s when the OWL results are delivered. There’s a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, an assortment of new characters and creatures, and startling revelations about past characters and events. Gone is the rage-filled Harry of The Order of the Phoenix--he’s not being kept in the dark any more, his unjustified Quidditch ban has been lifted and he has matured considerably in his short time out of school. Half-Blood Prince follows Harry into the world of late-teens, and his realisation that nobody is infallible has made his growth that much easier. Accepting his destiny, Harry continues to behave as teenagers do, enjoying his time with his friends, developing his relationships outside of his usual circle, and learning more about how he must, eventually, do what he is destined to do. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.8 width:(cm)11.1 -
·韩国魔幻先驱李愚赫开山巨著 ·网络游戏和根据小说改编的电影已经或即将引进中国 ·英文版轰动欧美,被誉为东方魔幻经典 这部书不仅丰富了我的课余生活,让我安静地做自己想做的事,同时,我也觉得有教益。它让我明白:什么是正义、什么是邪恶,同时也被退魔师的勇往直前、大无畏的精神所感动。《退魔录》仿佛是一位无声的老师,教我面对学习、面对生活要有勇气,要勇敢地面对,决不退缩。于是,我对自己的生活和学习充满信心。 ——马毅(江苏省镇江市第十一中学学生) 这是现代版的魔幻与武侠小说,点出了时代的矛盾、人心的复杂,存有浩然正气,感人至深。 ——雨扬(吉林大学学生) 这是我二十多年来看过的最好的魔幻、恐怖小说。 ——胡晓莉(江西省南昌市平面设计师) -
大西洋船王亚瑟遭到了一只披着甲胄的神秘怪鱼的袭击,眼看危在旦夕。小伙伴们搭乘潜艇深入大西洋寻找救命的血清,却被卷入了黑魆魆的海洞之中。一阵眩晕之后,奇迹发生了!他们来到了“侏罗纪公园”!这个世界,没有阳光,造物主的规律仿佛被彻底打乱 了,句型蚊子,史前蜘蛛,还有饥肠辘辘的恐龙们团团围住了他们……白骨堆砌的洞穴隐隐传来了求救声,被囚禁的小恐龙竟然能听懂人类的语言。冒着浓烟的火山中,黑暗的阴谋蠢蠢欲动,有什么可怕的力量正在觉醒,小伙伴们究竟是传阅到了恐龙时代,还是来到了人类灭亡的未来地球呢?颠覆想象力的新世界就在眼前,拨开重重迷雾,让我们共同探秘那个精彩的恐龙帝国。 -
《哈利•波特百科全书(珍藏版)》是全球第一部有关哈利•波特的百科全书,对《哈利•波特》系列小说中所有巫师的出身、经历、性格、姓名的由来,以及与希腊神话、罗马神话、圣经故事的隐秘关联进行了全新的破解,并从拉丁语、英语、法语、德语等语源角度,对魔法、咒语、绰号等神秘词语的出处和涵义做出了准确的阐释。 《哈利•波特百科全书(珍藏版)》内容庞大,体系完整,包括了1400多个词条,涵盖了J.K.罗琳所构建的整个哈利•波特魔法世界,对《哈利•波特》系列小说中呈现的巫师、麻瓜、妖精、怪兽、马人、狼人、幽灵、魔法、咒语、魔药、魔法物件、绰号、格言、俗语、地名、食物、饮料……进行了全面、详细、深度的解读。 海报: