Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
As featured in the first year set texts reading list in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is an extensive introduction to the magical beasts that exist in the magical, non-Muggle world. Some of the animals featured in the A-Z you will have already met in the existing Harry Potter books: for example Hippogriff, Flobberworm, Kappa - others you certainly won't: read on to find out exactly what a Chizpurfle is, or why one should always beware of the sinister Lethifold ...As Albus Dumbledore says in his introduction, this set text book by Newt Scamander has given the perfect grounding to many a Hogwarts student. It will be helpful to all Muggles out there too ...On reading the book you will also find that Harry, Ron and (in one instance) Hermione - couldn't resist grafittiing the book, and adding their own personal hand-written opinions. -
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last ...even getting there is an adventure in itself! The three firm friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, are soon immersed in the daily round of Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Quidditch. But then horrible and mysterious things begin to happen. Harry keeps hearing strange voices, sinister and dark messages appear on the wall, and then Ron's sister Ginny disappears... -
退魔录世界篇2 国王在阿瓦隆岛上沉睡
《退魔录:国王在阿瓦隆岛上(世界篇2)》内容简介:《退魔录》的主题本身是很简单的的。别人所不具备的,惟独自己拥有的力量究竟是什么,怎么来使用这力,怎样才能避免自己的体内之力不把自己束缚,使得自己成为力的奴隶,等等。虽然各个篇章里边的素材和背景不尽相同,但整《退魔录:国王在阿瓦隆岛上(世界篇2)》通观看来都是基于力的本质而展开的故事。这次《世界篇》中把主人公放至远方,让其受尽磨难,每每想起也不是没有恻隐之心。 不过是作者意念中创造出的人物,但是众多读者却对4位退魔师决斗…… -
Harry Potter
Enjoy the complete Harry Potter series performed by the Grammy Award-winning Jim Dale. This complete unabridged audiobook collection contains the following: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -
本書為「永恆之王」四部曲的第三部,敘述在亞瑟王即位為英格蘭王、統一英倫三島之後的太平盛世中,圓桌武士與騎士精神的興起與墮落、追尋聖杯的意義與過程,以及藍斯洛、亞瑟王、桂妮薇之間的愛與悲。 書名《殘缺騎士》指的便是騎士中的騎士藍斯洛,但為何懷特送給他「殘缺」的稱號?圓桌武士所遵奉的騎士精神,為何反而會導向悲劇?法師梅林的先知卓見,能夠拯救亞瑟王嗎?母儀天下的桂妮薇王后又懷著什麼不為人知的傷痛?在這部曲中亞瑟王私生子莫桀也登場了,一生光明磊落的亞瑟王如何面對他過往失足的後果? 從《空暗女王》開始,亞瑟王的傳奇就轉為壯麗恢弘,但也逐步邁向黑暗毀滅的命運。在宏大的理想與盲目的仇恨衝突之下,悲劇的主題旋律於焉響起。 懷特的寫作手法類似說書人的故事詮釋。他以15世紀長篇傳奇小說經典《亞瑟之死》為腳本,挑選精彩、可發揮之處,在細節與故事性方面大幅強化;也不時夾敘夾議,以後來的英國歷史和二十世紀的文明背景,分析解說當時故事的景況。