在英國當代作家中,大概再沒有誰比曾被21次提名諾貝爾文學獎的格雷安‧葛林(Graham Greene,1904~1991)來得傳奇了。 他曾從事新聞、編輯、外交工作,足跡遍及五大洲;一生泉湧不竭的創作力,25部重要作品,半數被改編成電影,不但寫小說、劇本、評論、傳記,甚至也寫詩、寫兒童文學。譽滿全球的他,書迷滿天下,然而由於他對於隱私的重視,對於採訪的排斥(有一陣子,他甚至不願在他的書中附上作者照片),因此,直到他過世之前,人們都無法對這位在風風雨雨中生活了86年的老人有一個清晰的形象。 1991 年他撒手歸去,似乎知道讀者對他的興趣不減,「盛情難卻」之下,他預先準備了一份小禮物,就是一本完完全全關於他最隱密自我的書:《夢之日記》(A World of My Own: A Dream Diary)。這本小書是葛林生前最後幾個月親自編成,臨終時囑咐伴隨他最後三十年生活的伊維安‧克萊特擔任編輯,再交付給他在英國的多年老友兼出版商麥克斯‧瑞那德出版。 葛林夢境豐富,光怪陸離,青年時代便能夢見心理醫生的妻子赤身裸體,以後,他便有紀錄夢境的習慣。從1965年到1989年,三十餘年間不曾間斷,共收集了 800多頁筆記,且有詳盡編目與索引。每晚,他總要醒來四、五次,他將紙筆放在枕邊,醒來時便記下夢中的關鍵詞,白天再將它們詳細寫下。「在那個世界裡,一切遊歷,無論是危險、幸福、愛情、慾望都不用與別人分享,沒有證人,沒有毀謗我所遇見的人不記得曾見過我,沒有記者追蹤我與那些作家的會面……。對我來說,這是一個真實的世界。」《夢之日記‧自序》裡,葛林這樣說。 此書薄薄不過百來頁,內容有許多小篇章構成,很容易讀,似乎與葛林共享一個博大的空間,沒人催促你,可以一口氣讀下,也可以隨時放下書本,或將目光逗留在空白中間,慢慢體味。全書以「幸福」始,以「疾病和死亡」中,其中包括與名作家的會面、秘密工作、戰爭、旅遊、寫作、友情、宗教等等。想要瞭解這位作家的最隱晦、也可能是最真實的一面,翻讀此書,吉光片羽,都將予人更多思索與想像的樂趣。 此書特別邀請昔日於三聯《讀書》雜誌上,因〈再別葛林〉、〈依然話說葛林〉等名文而轟動海內外華文讀書圈,被認為「最瞭解貼近葛林心情的中國人」的愷蒂翻譯、註解,並由『金蝶獎』得主楊雅棠擔綱裝幀設計。葛林畢生最後的小禮物,因此而能以「最充實而有光輝」的面貌,呈現在中文讀者面前。 -
The Human Factor (Penguin Classics)
A morally complex and mature work from a modern master IN THIS later novel by Graham Greenea featuring a new introductionathe author continues to explore moral and theological dilemmas through psychologically astute character studies and exciting drama on an international stage. In "The Human Factor" A high- level operative of the British Secret Service acts as a double agent to benefit his family. -
在二次大戰飛彈呼嘯而過的倫敦,一個小說家與一位國家官員的妻子卻耽溺於偷情與肉慾的歡愛中。這段不倫之戀在一次驚險的空襲之後突然終止……墜落的飛彈像似憑空而降的天譴,面對埋身於瓦礫中的情夫,女主角跟她並不相信的天主交換條件──「只要你讓他活著……我願意永遠離開他……」。經歷了兩年沒有愛情的沙漠般的生活,小說家與女主角重逢。在嫉妒心的驅使下,他聘請私家偵探調查女主角的行蹤……。福克納推崇本書是「我的時代裡最真實動人的一部小說」。 -
The Heart of the Matter
With a new introduction by James Wood Scobie, a police officer serving in a wartime west-African state, is distrusted — being scrupulously honest and immune to bribery. But then he falls in love, and in so doing, he is forced to betray everything he believes in, with drastic and tragic consequences. -
The End of the Affair
Penguin celebrates the centennial of Graham Greene's birth with commemorativeeditions of his greatest works. -
The Power and the Glory
Unabridged on mp3 audio disk. How does good spoil, and how can bad be redeemed? In his penetrating novel The Power and the Glory, Graham Greene explores corruption and atonement through a priest and the people he encounters. In the 1930s one Mexican state has outlawed the Church, naming it a source of greed and debauchery. The priests have been rounded up and shot by firing squad--save one, the whisky priest. On the run, and in a blur of alcohol and fear, this outlaw meets a dentist, a banana farmer, and a village woman he knew six years earlier. For a while, he is accompanied by a toothless man--whom he refers to as his Judas and does his best to ditch. Always, an adamant lieutenant is only a few hours behind, determined to liberate his country from the evils of the church. On the verge of reaching a safer region, the whisky priest is repeatedly held back by his vocation, even though he no longer feels fit to perform his rites: "When he was gone it would be as if God in all this space between the sea and the mountains ceased to exist. Wasn't it his duty to stay, even if they despised him, even if they were murdered for his sake? even if they were corrupted by his example?" As his sins and dangers increase, the broken priest comes to confront the nature of piety and love. Still, when he is granted a reprieve, he feels himself sliding into the old arrogance, slipping it on like the black gloves he used to wear. Greene has drawn this man--and all he encounters--vividly and viscerally. He may have said The Power and the Glory was "written to a thesis," but this brilliant theological thriller has far more mysteries--and troubling ideals--than certainties. --Joannie Kervran Stangeland