
Jane B. Burka,Lenora


心理学 拖延症 Procrastination 时间管理 英文原版 心理 个人管理 拖延


Da Capo Lifelong Books

Based on their workshops and counseling experience, psychologists Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen offer a probing, sensitive, and at times humorous look at a problem that affects everyone: students and scientists, secretaries and executives, homemakers and salespeople. Procrastination identifies the reasons we put off tasks—fears of failure, success, control, separation, and attachment—and their roots in our childhood and adult experiences. The authors offer a practical, tested program to overcome procrastination by achieving set goals, managing time, enlisting support, and handling stress. Burka and Yuen even provide tips on living and working with the procrastinators you may know. Wise, effective, and easy to use, this new edition shows why for 25 years Procrastination has been an immediate must-have for anyone who puts things off until tomorrow. Procrastination is a problem that strikes millions of people in every walk of life. California psychologists Jane B. Burka and Lenora M. Yuen pinpoints several causes of procrastination and show how to shake this fascinating tendency once and for all.



  • 北京普华信管理咨询的评论
    你的管理模式,是鲨鱼、戛裨鱼还是海豚?:作者:Procrastination来源:MBA智库百科企业管理,已经由原来极端的刚或极端的柔,变为如今的刚柔并济。而在人性化管理愈演愈烈的今天,海豚式管理已...文字版>> 网页链接 (新浪长微博>> 长微博_长微博工具_...)
  • Der-zweite-Hund的评论
    一共二十九页的德语原文,前一个月吃了定心丸每天翻两行,为了按时交稿,今天狗不停蹄翻译了十八页[泪][泪][泪][伤心][伤心][伤心] Procrastination作大死[笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]
  • 晚安大鹏的评论
    天下之事,为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣。送给一个患有严重拖延症的我。procrastination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will kill you~
  • 篮子里的栗子的评论
    如果字母A-Z对应数字1-26,那么knowledge是96,hardword是98,attitude是100,laziness是105,negativity是132,procrastination是192,selling your soul to Satan是314
  • 焉研衍宴言海蓝的评论
  • Jaseonnain的评论
    今天第一次雅思考试 全程懵逼 觉得自己真的要认真努力了 立个flag
  • Penny和Karry的评论
    俊俊晚安 最近总是熬夜 我也不想啊 毕竟熬夜效率是最低的 多半都是无用功 可是最近不到十二点不想洗澡 俊俊一定不要学我 要好好休息 照顾好自己 天气热也要注意别得热感冒了[爱你]@TFBOYS-王俊凯 suffer a lot from procrastination[失望] 武汉·东湖开发区街区
  • jjpony的评论
    拖延症患者的技巧『a simple mind hack that helps beat procrastination |』网页链接
  • 翻译中介的评论
    【拖延心理学Procrastination Psychology】这个视频用第一人称讲述了拖延心理学是怎样一个存在,拖延的人内心究竟是如何想的,并给出了摆脱拖延的一个办法,那就是不再追求所谓的”完美“。一起来看吧~~#涨知识小短片译制#【第6期】 秒拍视频 .
  • 雪糕店主frank的评论
    Procrastination is the father of failure. 拖延是失败之父。又根据“失败是成功之母”,那么可得——拖延是成功他姥爷,每次犯拖延症的时候,都是占了成功很大便宜啊——我在跟你姥爷玩呢,没空理你这个孙子。