
Anne Applebaum


历史 苏联 英文原版 古拉格 普利策



Acknowledgments Introduction Pt. 1 The Origins of the Gulag, 1917-1939 1 Bolshevik Beginnings 3 2 "The First Camp of the Gulag" 18 3 1929: The Great Turning Point 41 4 The White Sea Canal 58 5 The Camps Expand 73 6 The Great Terror and Its Aftermath 92 Pt. 2 Life and Work in the Camps 7 Arrest 121 8 Prison 146 9 Transport, Arrival, Selection 159 10 Life in the Camps 183 11 Work in the Camps 216 12 Punishment and Reward 242 13 The Guards 256 14 The Prisoners 280 15 Women and Children 307 16 The Dying 334 17 Strategies of Survival 344 18 Rebellion and Escape 390 Pt. 3 The Rise and Fall of The Camp-Industrial Complex, 1940-1986 19 The War Begins 411 20 "Strangers" 420 21 Amnesty - and Afterward 445 22 The Zenith of the Camp-Industrial Complex 460 23 The Death of Stalin 476 24 The Zeks' Revolution 484 25 Thaw - and Release 506 26 The Era of the Dissidents 527 27 The 1980s: Smashing Statues 552 Epilogue: Memory 564 App How Many? 578 Notes 587 Bibliography 637 Glossary 655 Text and Illustration Permissions 659 Index 661
The Gulag—a vast array of Soviet concentration camps that held millions of political and criminal prisoners—was a system of repression and punishment that terrorized the entire society, embodying the worst tendencies of Soviet communism. In this magisterial and acclaimed history, Anne Applebaum offers the first fully documented portrait of the Gulag, from its origins in the Russian Revolution, through its expansion under Stalin, to its collapse in the era of glasnost. Applebaum intimately re-creates what life was like in the camps and links them to the larger history of the Soviet Union. Immediately recognized as a landmark and long-overdue work of scholarship, Gulag is an essential book for anyone who wishes to understand the history of the twentieth century. Winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. Finalist for the 2003 National Book Award, Nonfiction.



  • hasuayoi的评论
  • 亵渎电影的评论
    【新专推荐】Beirut - No No No (2015) 网页链接 还惦记着他们当年那张《Gulag Orkestar 》的巴尔干气质,换到4AD厂牌,这张时隔四年的第四张录音师专辑,然而并不惊艳。Beirut N... FLAC,链接: 网页链接 密码: kx54
  • 亵渎电影的评论
    [doge]Beirut - Gulag Orkestar (2005) Gulag Orke... [FLAC],链接: 网页链接 密码: 8qqt
  • 机智的店长的评论
    #MGSV daily# "You went that far for me?" "Far enough to keep you alive." -Shalashaska, half gulag half hero's sword.
  • Ms_Kerfuffle的评论
    Shalashaska - half gulag, half hero’s sword. It’s a perfect fit.【山猫,啧【。 ​Metal Gea...
  • 布鲁姆日的Jesse的评论
    “在德国,你可能死于残忍;在俄国,你可能死于绝望。在奥斯维辛,你可能死在毒气室里;在科雷马,你可能冻死在雪地上。你可能死于德国的森林或者西伯利亚荒原,你可能死于一次矿井事故,你也可能死在运牛的火车上。但是归根结底,你的人生经历是你自己所独有的。” #Gulag: A History#
  • 60号路边的芥菜籽的评论
    鸡毛说workplace这个展都是inspired by一些特别的工作场所(我可没耐心看介绍),又说这组灵感都是来自Gulag(古拉格岛)。我说慢着,你不是说来自工作场所吗?他说对啊,监狱也是一种工作场所啊!
  • MinatoP-Down的评论
    Good news, Phly didn't get gulag!
  • 韩韵曲奇的评论
    Today in History for Dec.28. President Woodrow Wilson is born[鲜花].John C. Calhoun is the first resigned vice president of [吃惊].Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" is published [发红包啦]. and June be there to show photos of ShengDa[胜利][偷笑][胜利][嘘]. 郑州·郑州大学升达经...
  • 成城故事的评论
    BBC纪录片《古拉格gulag》共3集 古拉格是苏联劳动改造营管理总局的缩写 网页链接 访问密码 cc99