
Robert J. Gula


思维 心理学 逻辑 心理 think 思考 psychology 行为心理


Axios Press

Want to differentiate between the heavy emotional language you hear, the logic used, and the various errors in logic? Want to know what that false argument is called? Want to find a book that does not look, feel, and read like a textbook, but can easily be read/perused at your convenience? This little paperback book (174 pages) is one of the best resource for exposing the various arguments and false logic that we humans sometimes use. The prose flows very easily, groups related fallacies together, and the author offers plenty of real-life examples. The first 3 content chapters discuss Emotional Language, its use and misuse. Then there is a chapter on Logical Fallacies. Then the author talks about Irrelevance, Confusion, Oversimplification, Evasion, Erroneous Comparison and Contrast, Arguments, Semantics, and Syllogism. "I just know that that doesn't make any sense, but I'm not sure why" begins the author in the first chapter "Everyday Nonsense." The end of the book has a summary listing of all the fallacies and nonsense terms, a Bibliography, and a useful Index. The author, Robert John Gula (1941-1989) was educated at Colby College and Harvard University. He taught a course on logic (among other subjects) at a very elite private American high school.



  • 我是肉馅儿的的评论
  • Veni0727的评论
    Hopeless ...forever making nonsense until the worst happened just dun Wan to be peace. ..really tiered and dun Wan to come back..
  • AnJ1298的评论
    Feeling depressed. Overthinking of future and nonsense things. Hello myself, let be like that cat :) #mydrawing
  • Stella_parallax_Sy的评论
    作为一个作逼 看的书 听的歌 down的图 都偏的十万八千里的 还要找个基本sense match的 nonsense[拜拜][拜拜][doge] 橋本幼稚園
  • edward_無心的评论
  • 临可TATA的评论
    安利!!来自prism中的nonsense~~ it seems you don't like any color?? #JabbaWockeeZ#@JABBA爱丽丝站
  • 蔡丽枝cai的评论
    BBC,are u sure it was called Gingostic? Nonsense!! IT IS CHAOS OK?
  • 蘇蘇蘇某人是我_的评论
    The most fucking despicable person is saying others despicable? Stop this nonsense, can't you?[微笑]這世界上的不能分類為地球上的物種還真多啊[微笑]
  • cholinlee的评论
    Just feel like so many distractions especially most of them are just nonsense posts and msgs.
  • 与谁同坐_wind的评论
    那人總是惡狠狠地質疑我讀書有什麼用,喝茶有什麼用,彈琴有什麼用⋯⋯我也不知道,我也想問上帝,如果這些都沒用,你幹嘛不直接用鈔票來塑造萬物,偏要創造形態不同的萬物,還要給人類五官呢?Nonsense 啊 my God~