The Art of the Start

Guy Kawasaki


创业 startup entrepreneurship 管理 商业 business management Kawasaki


Portfolio Hardcover

先“读”为快 起因 第一章 起步的艺术 阐述 第二章 定位的艺术 第三章 口头表达的艺术 第四章 制定商业计划书的艺术 启动 第五章 白手起家的艺术 第六章 招聘的艺术 第七章 筹集资金的艺术 激增 第八章 合伙的艺术 第九章 打造品牌的艺术 第十章 人工造雨的艺术 义务 第十一章 做个高尚之人的艺术 后记
What does it take to turn ideas into action? What are the elements of a perfect pitch? How do you win the war for talent? How do you establish a brand without bucks? These are some of the issues everyone faces when starting or revitalizing any undertaking, and Guy Kawasaki, former marketing maven of Apple Computer, provides the answers. The Art of the Start will give you the essential steps to launch great products, services, and companies—whether you are dreaming of starting the next Microsoft or a not-for-profit that’s going to change the world. It also shows managers how to unleash entrepreneurial thinking at established companies, helping them foster the pluck and creativity that their businesses need to stay ahead of the pack. Kawasaki provides readers with GIST—Great Ideas for Starting Things—including his field-tested insider’s techniques for bootstrapping, branding, networking, recruiting, pitching, rainmaking, and, most important in this fickle consumer climate, building buzz. At Apple, Kawasaki helped turn ordinary customers into fanatics. As founder and CEO of Garage Technology Ventures, he has tested his iconoclastic ideas on real- world start- ups. And as an irrepressible columnist for Forbes , he has honed his best thinking about The Art of the Start .


