Ever Since Darwin

Stephen Jay Gould


科普 Gould 生物学 生物


W. W. Norton & Company

Prologue 1 | DARWINIANA 1 Darwin’s Delay 2 Darwin’s Sea Change, or Five Years at the Captain’s Table 3 Darwin’s Dilemma: The Odyssey of Evolution 4 Darwin’s Untimely Burial 2 | HUMAN EVOLUTION 5 A Matter of Degree 6 Bushes and Ladders in Human Evolution 7 The Child as Man’s Real Father 8 Human Babies as Embryos 3 | ODD ORGANISMS AND EVOLUTIONARY EXEMPLARS 9 The Misnamed, Mistreated, and Misunderstood Irish Elk 10 Organic Wisdom, or Why Should a Fly Eat Its Mother from Inside 11 Of Bamboos, Cicadas, and the Economy of Adam Smith 12 The Problem of Perfection, or How Can a Clam Mount a Fish on Its Rear End? 4 | PATTERNS AND PUNCTUATIONS IN THE HISTORY OF LIFE 13 The Pentagon of Life 14 An Unsung Single-Celled Hero 15 Is the Cambrian Explosion a Sigmoid Fraud? 16 The Great Dying 5 | THEORIES OF THE EARTH 17 The Reverend Thomas’ Dirty Little Planet 18 Uniformity and Catastrophe 19 Velikovsky in Collision 20 The Validation of Continental Drift 6 | SIZE AND SHAPE, FROM CHURCHES TO BRAINS TO PLANETS 21 Size and Shape 22 Sizing Up Human Intelligence 23 History of the Vertebrate Brain 24 Planetary Sizes and Surfaces 7 | SCIENCE IN SOCIETY—A HISTORICAL VIEW 25 On Heroes and Fools in Science 26 Posture Maketh the Man 27 Racism and Recapitulation 28 The Criminal as Nature’s Mistake, or the Ape in Some of Us 8 | THE SCIENCE AND POLITICS OF HUMAN NATURE Race, Sex, and Violence 29 Why We Should Not Name Human Races—A Biological View 30 The Nonscience of Human Nature 31 Racist Arguments and IQ Part B Sociobiology 32 Biological Potentiality vs. Biological Determinism 33 So Cleverly Kind an Animal Epilogue Bibliography Index OTHER TITLES BY STEPHEN JAY GOULD PUBLISHED OTHER TITLES BY STEPHEN JAY GOULD
Ever Since Darwin, Stephen Jay Gould's first book, has sold more than a quarter of a million copies. Like all succeeding collections by this unique writer, it brings the art of the scientific essay to unparalleled heights. 点击链接进入中文版: 自达尔文以来


