
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Emerson 外国文学 西方文学 英文 英文原版 超验主义


Book Description: Redefining the classic essay, this modern edition of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s most famous work, Self-Reliance , includes self-reflections from both historical and contemporary luminaries. With quotes from the likes of Henry Ford and Helen Keller to modern-day thought leaders like Jesse Dylan, Steve Pressfield, and Milton Glaser, we're reminded of the relevance of Emerson’s powerful words today. Emerson’s words are timeless. Persuasive and convincing, he challenges readers to define their own sense of accomplishment and asks them to measure themselves against their own standards, not those of society. This famous orator has utter faith in individualism and doesn’t invoke beyond what is humanly possible, he just believes deeply that each of us is capable of greatness. He asks us to define that greatness for ourselves and to be true to ourselves. At times harsh, at times comforting, Emerson’s words guide the reader to challenge their own beliefs and sense of self. This modern edition of Self-Reliance is ideal for graduates or those who are in the midst of a career or lifestyle change. Emerson's sage guidance wrapped in modern-day reflections is a great reminder about the potential within us all and that life is what you make of it.



  • JaneMere的评论
    在听石中剑,听到Merlin金句“Education is experience, and the essence of experience is self-reliance.”举双手双脚同意,在搞研究上十万分适用
  • 比今天的我可愛的只有明天的我的评论
  • 透明中的彩色的评论
  • Saorikimurababy的评论
  • 杨婧mary的评论
    六页的tanscendentalism和self-reliance死于Zola [微笑]
  • Jean597的评论
    无论何时、何地,都要学会独立~self-reliance 广州
  • Eric-ljs的评论
    要当好一名合格的领导者,第一、健全的思维(CommonSense) 第二、专业知识(KnowingOne’sField) 第三、自信(Self-Reliance) 第四、理解判断能力(GeneralIntelligence) 第五、执行能力(AbilityToGetThingsDone)
  • 浅殇烯的评论
  • Dreamchaser嘎嘎的评论
    继痛苦翻译之夜的今夜跑男跑跑跑! [跑]开心的嘞,其实翻掉self-reliance我的内心是满足的,毕竟这是一篇即便是中文我也懒得看的哲学书啊!#每天一句黄文煜晚安# 晚安@黄文煜小老头 @黄文煜小盆友
  • 1626潮流双周刊的评论
    法国设计师品牌 OLYMPIA LE-TAN 为在约旦的大量叙利亚难民问题提出了自己的支援计划。OLYMPIA LE-TAN 将与 UNIQLO UT 合作推出难民支援 Tee 系列,这一针对女性难民的计划将是 “Refugee Women Self-Reliance Project” 的一部分,其全部收益都将捐献给 UNHCR 。