
Wendelin Van Draanen


英文原版 小说 flipped 怦然心动 美国 青春 爱情 外国文学



The first time she saw him, she flipped. The first time he saw her, he ran. That was the second grade, but not much has changed by the seventh. She says: “My Bryce. Still walking around with my first kiss.” He says: “It’s been six years of strategic avoidance and social discomfort.” But in the eighth grade everything gets turned upside down. And just as he’s thinking there’s more to her than meets the eye, she’s thinking that he’s not quite all he seemed. This is a classic romantic comedy of errors told in alternating chapters by two fresh, funny new voices. Wendelin Van Draanen is at her best here with a knockout cast of quirky characters and a hilarious series of misunderstandings and missed opportunities. But underlying the humor are two teens in transition. They are each learning to look beyond the surface of people, both figuring out who they are, who they want to be, and who they want to be with.From the Hardcover edition.



  • Cynthia薛涵月-的评论
  • 三个太阳是晶啊的评论
    有的人浅薄,有的人金玉其表败絮其中。有一天 你会遇到一个彩虹般绚烂的人,当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人都只是浮云而已。 ——《Flipped》
  • 无敌lucky大傻苗的评论
    都看过,最好的应该是第5部flipped 其次是第四和第一。
  • 我只是叫右脚的评论
    #bilibili#【曼萱】flipped( 怦然心动) UP主:youdaoyoudao 【曼萱】flipped( 怦然心动)
  • mcgiey的评论
    我們理解的幸福. 某某是我生命中遇見的超級無敵大傻瓜. 李大仁, 崔元..., 那個 [我可能不會愛你] 的男人. 對了! 我o個晚喺網上讀到一篇文, 先發現原來那個 [不會] 係 flipped backwards 既 font!! 看過無數次的 title 都沒有發現耶~~
  • HSanDiegoY的评论
    #Flipped# 这就是我画的好句
  • O_OFFany的评论
  • 土豆少奶奶的评论
    电影《怦然心动 Flipped》 (来自豆瓣) ------Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 网页链接
  • 小小小小静3175148082的评论
    #兴趣部落#【【一路凯歌】150725小凯学联...】cr Flipped 禁二改禁商用转载请注明出处 今天是最后一天啦,我们的代表也要怀挺怀挺! 网页链接
  • LuckyOneLi__An的评论
    Carner Barcelona Tardes 初闻这味道很像重庆一个KTV的味道。。(/ □ \) 我鼻子并不灵光 没法分辨出各种原料的差别 要让我形容只说的出是有木质香的杏仁味。。但是可以联想到一种夏天傍晚 平静的湖边有棵Flipped海报上的那种大树 躺在树枝上 有风 风里有香气 香甜的感觉 闻得出是夏天 安宁温柔 又悠闲