
Jonathan Franzen


JonathanFranzen 小说 美国 美国文学 英文原版 社会 外国文学 fiction


Farrar, Straus and Giroux

From the National Book Award-winning author of The Corrections , a darkly comedic novel about family Patty and Walter Berglund were the new pioneers of old St. Paulthe gentrifiers, the hands-on parents, the avant-garde of the Whole Foods generation. Patty was the ideal sort of neighbor, who could tell you where to recycle your batteries and how to get the local cops to actually do their job. She was an enviably perfect mother and the wife of Walter’s dreams. Together with Walterenvironmental lawyer, commuter cyclist, total family manshe was doing her small part to build a better world. But now, in the new millennium, the Berglunds have become a mystery. Why has their teenage son moved in with the aggressively Republican family next door? Why has Walter taken a job working with Big Coal? What exactly is Richard Katzoutré rocker and Walter’s college best friend and rivalstill doing in the picture? Most of all, what has happened to Patty? Why has the bright star of Barrier Street become a very different kind of neighbor,” an implacable Fury coming unhinged before the street’s attentive eyes? In his first novel since The Corrections , Jonathan Franzen has given us an epic of contemporary love and marriage. Freedom comically and tragically captures the temptations and burdens of liberty: the thrills of teenage lust, the shaken compromises of middle age, the wages of suburban sprawl, the heavy weight of empire. In charting the mistakes and joys of Freedom ’s intensely realized characters as they struggle to learn how to live in an ever more confusing world, Franzen has produced an indelible and deeply moving portrait of our time.



  • 强人係我的评论
  • 蘑菇选择恐惧症的评论
    @Sunshine_Freedom 太值得参考了!
  • 欧美超清封面控的评论
    【ALBUM COVER】Alicia Keys — The Element Of Freedom(1500×1500)(预览为低画质,原图进网盘下载) 链接: 网页链接 密码: ahi2
  • NuskinFreedom杰少夫妇的评论
    【Nuskin freedom Team】 杰少夫妇受邀带上团队伙伴参加上海总部V舞PA,8月不见不散哦~
  • 漫妙天地的评论
  • 草月鸟_苏鹏的评论
    舞剧《花生》将于7月31日和8月1日在国家大剧院小剧场上演。由我的老朋友@胡磊基本款 担任导演,由我和@此木mingming @Blackhole畅 @freedom324 一起表演。我们历时半年创作了一部真诚的作品。望大家前来观看。另,我将在转发本条微博的朋友中抽取十个幸运者,您将得到我亲自为您送出的演出票!等你来!
  • _FatBen_的评论
    原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛自由 也會怕有一天會跌倒 背棄了理想 誰人都可以 那會怕有一天只你共我 Forgive me, because I love freedom in my life. I also scare someday I will falling down. Desert your dream, who also can be You don't need scare if someday only you and me 网页链接
  • 子衿美工室的评论
    "All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope" 伟大的事情总是简单,最伟大的事情只有一个词:自游,正义,荣誉,责任,仁慈,希望。
  • YisionAspirerPKU的评论
    white terror. here's a long distance from the dream of freedom from fear.
  • 呆呆傲骄很女王_要時線的评论
    @开心freedom 妳啥時候溜到日本去了[偷笑] //@instagram优选:皮卡~皮卡~皮卡丘~(๑´ㅂ`๑)