The Science of Interstellar

Kip Thorne


星际穿越 科幻 物理 KipThorne 科普 星际穿越解说 Science 科技


W. W. Norton & Company

CONTENTS Foreword Preface 1 A Scientist in Hollywood: The Genesis of Interstellar I. FOUNDATIONS 2 Our Universe in Brief 3 The Laws That Control 4 Warped Time and Space, and Tidal Gravity 5 Black Holes II. GARGANTUA 6 Gargantua’s Anatomy 7 Gravitational Slingshots 8 Imaging Gargantua 9 Disks and Jets 10 Accident Is the First Building Block of Evolution III. DISASTER ON EARTH 11 Blight 12 Gasping for Oxygen 13 Interstellar Travel IV. THE WORMHOLE 14 Wormholes 15 Visualizing Interstellar’s Wormhole 16 Discovering the Wormhole: Gravitational Waves V. EXPLORING GARGANTUA’S ENVIRONS 17 Miller’s Planet 18 Gargantua’s Vibrations 19 Mann’s Planet 20 The Endurance VI. EXTREME PHYSICS 21 The Fourth and Fifth Dimensions 22 Bulk Beings 23 Confining Gravity 24 Gravitational Anomalies 25 The Professor’s Equation 26 Singularities and Quantum Gravity VII. CLIMAX 27 The Volcano’s Rim 28 Into Gargantua 29 The Tesseract 30 Messaging the Past 31 Lifting Colonies off Earth Where Can You Learn More? Some Technical Notes Acknowledgments Figure Credits Bibliography Index of People Index of Subjects
A journey through the otherworldly science behind Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated film, Interstellar, from executive producer and theoretical physicist Kip Thorne. Interstellar, from acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan, takes us on a fantastic voyage far beyond our solar system. Yet in The Science of Interstellar, Kip Thorne, the physicist who assisted Nolan on the scientific aspects of Interstellar, shows us that the movie’s jaw-dropping events and stunning, never-before-attempted visuals are grounded in real science. Thorne shares his experiences working as the science adviser on the film and then moves on to the science itself. In chapters on wormholes, black holes, interstellar travel, and much more, Thorne’s scientific insights—many of them triggered during the actual scripting and shooting of Interstellar—describe the physical laws that govern our universe and the truly astounding phenomena that those laws make possible. Interstellar and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14).


