


艺术史 考古 海外中国研究 杰西卡·罗森 考古学 艺术 历史 海外中国艺术研究



青铜器 1.装饰纹样与地域——汉中青铜器的个案 “Ornament and Territory: The Case of the Bronzes from Hanzhong,” forthcoming in Cao Wei ed., Hanzhong chutu Shangdai qingtongqi, 4 vols., Chengdu: Sichuan chubanshe, Ba Shu chubanshe, 2006—2011. 2.是政治家,还是野蛮人?——从青铜器看西周 “Statesmen or Barbarians, the Western Zhou as Seen Through Their Bronzes,”British Academy Albert Reckitt Archaeological Lecture, 19th October 1989,Proceedings of the British Academy, LXXV, 1989, pp.71-95. 3.西周青铜铸造技术革命及其对各地铸造业的影响 “A Bronze-casting Revolution in the Western Zhou and Its Impact on Provincial Industries,” in R. Maddin ed., The Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Papers from the Second International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys, Zhengzhou, China, 21-26 October 1986, Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988, pp.228-238. 4.战国及秦汉时期的礼器变化 “Ritual Vessel Changes in the Warring States, Qin and Han Periods,” in Regional Culture, Religion and Arts before the Seventh Century, Papers from the Third International Conference on Sinology, History Section, Taipei: Institute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica, 2002, pp.1-57 复古维新 5.古代纹饰的复兴与过去的呈现——来自商周青铜器的例子 “Reviving Ancient Ornament and the Presence of the Past: Examples from Shang and Zhou Bronze Vessels,” in Wu Hung ed., Reinventing the Past: Archaism and Antiquarianism in Chinese Art and Visual Culture, Chicago: Art Media Resources, 2010, pp.47-76. 6.复古维新——以中国青铜器为例 “Novelties in Antiquarian Revivals: The Case of the Chinese Ritual Bronzes,” The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly, vol.22, no.1, Autumn, 2004, pp.1-34. 7.中国青铜器的传承 “The Ancestry of Chinese Bronzes,” in Steven Lubar and W. David Kingery eds., History from Things: Essays on Material Culture, Washington, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993, pp.51-73. 墓 葬 8.中国的丧葬模式——思想与信仰的知识来源 “Chinese Burial Patterns: Sources of Information on Thought and Belief,” in Chris Scarre and Colin Renfrew eds., Cognition and Culture: the Archaeology of Symbolic Storage, Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 1998, pp.107-133. 9.图像的力量——秦始皇的模型宇宙及其影响 “The Power of Images: The Model Universe of the First Emperor and Its Legacy,” Historical Research, vol.75, no.188, May 2002, pp.123-154. 10.西汉的永恒宫殿——新宇宙观的发展 “The Eternal Palaces of the Western Han: A New View of the Universe,” Artibus Asiae, vol. LIX, 1/2, 1999, pp.5-58. 11.作为艺术、装饰与图案之源的宇宙观体系 “Cosmological Systems as Sources of Art, Ornament and Design,” Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, vol.72, 2000, pp.133-189. 12.中国山水画的缘起——来自考古材料的证明 “The Origins of Chinese Mountain Painting: Evidence from Archaeology,” Proceedings of the British Academy, vol.117, 2002, pp.1-48. 中西交通 13.红玛瑙珠、动物塑像和带有异域风格的器物——公元前1000—前650 年前后周及其封国与亚洲内陆的交流迹象 “Carnelian Beads, Animal Figures and Exotic Vessels: Traces of Contact between the Chinese States and Inner Asia, c.1000—650BC,” Archäeologie in China, vol.1, Bridging Eurasia, 2010, pp.1-42. 14.中国的博山炉——由来、影响及其含义 “The Chinese Hill Censer, boshanlu: A Note on Origins, Influences and Meanings,”Ars Asiatiques, Volume en homage á Madame Michéle Pirazzoli t’Serstevens, vol.61, 2006, pp.75-86. 装饰系统 15.万历皇帝画像的载体作用 “A Portrait of the Wanli Emperor: Art Ritual and Agency,” in Robin Osborn and Jeremy Tanner eds., Arts’ Agency, Oxford: Blackwells, 2007, pp.95-113. 16.装饰系统——中国的花鸟图像 “Ornament as System: Chinese Bird-and-Flower Designs,” The Burlington Magazine, June 2006, pp.380-389. 17.“盛世华章展”综述 “China: The Three Emperors, 1662—1795: An Exhibition from the Palace Museum, Beijing,” Orientations, vol. 36, no.8, 2005, pp.46-55.
杰西卡·罗森(Jessica Rawson)教授在大英博物馆工作二十余年,长期担任大英博物馆东方古物部主任,1994年后又执教于牛津大学中国艺术与考古专业教授,是目前中国艺术与考古领域最为活跃的西方学者之一。自从学生时代起,她就致力于通过物质文化来研究古代中国。在过去三 十五年的学术生涯中,她试图了解常出土于墓葬中的青铜器、玉器及其他工艺品是如何被使用的,从而进一步去理解这些器物的制作造者的技艺、生活和信仰。本文集收录罗森教授的研究论文17篇,内容涵盖青铜器(4篇)、复古维新(3篇)、墓葬(5篇)、中西交通(2篇)、装饰系统(3篇)五个方面,大部分完成于2000年之后,尚为首次以中文结集发表。通过这些文章,罗森教授希望能够和对古代中国有兴趣的读者来分享她的思考和见解。其中许多文章源自她在牛津大学的讲课。


