


艺术史 考古 巫鸿 墓葬 美术考古 艺术 历史 考古学



前言……………………………………………………巫鸿(1) Introduction…………………………………………Wu Hung 中国古代壁画略说……………………………………杨泓(1) An Overview of Ancient Chinese Murals………Yang Hong 亚洲视野中的秦兵马俑……………………………倪克鲁(23) The Qin Terra-cotta Army in a Pan-Asian Perspective ……………………………………………………Lukas Nickel 论汉代墓室壁画的功能……………………………黄佩贤(41) On the Function of Han Dynasty Tomb Murals ………………………………………………… Marianne Wong 引魂灵璧………………………………………………巫鸿(55) The Bi-disk as a Conduit of the Soul………………Wu Hung 孔子师老子……………………………………………缪哲(65) “Confucius Meets Laozi” in Han Art………………Miao Zhe 汉画阴阳主神考…………………………………贺西林(121) A Study of Principal Deities of Yin-Yang Forces in Han Pictorial Art……………………………………He Xilin 中国中古时期墓葬中的天界表象 ——东亚的比较视野……………………………林圣智(131) Representations of Celestial Spheres in Medieval Chinese Tombs: A Comparative East Asian Approach …………………………………………………Lin Sheng-chi 从沙岭壁画墓看北魏平城时期的丧葬美术……徐润庆(163) A Painted Tomb at Shaling and Northern Wei Funerary Art of the Pingcheng Period…………………Seo Yunkyung 再论石材——以北朝墓葬为中心………………郑如珀(191) Rethinking Stone as Material with a Focus on Northern Dynasties Tombs………………………………Bonnie Cheng 现实与理想之间 ——安伽、史君墓石刻图像的思考……………齐东方(205) Between Reality and Ideal: A Reflection on the Stone Carvings in the Tombs of An Qie and Master Shi ……………………………………………………Qi Dongfang 逝者的“面具” ——再论北周康业墓石棺床画像…………………郑岩(219) The “Masks” of the Dead: A Reexamination of the Pictorial Carvings on the Stone Funerary Couch from Kang Ye’s Tomb of the Northern Zhou…………Zheng Yan 隋唐墓葬艺术中的佛教文化因素 ——以唐陵神道石柱为例………………………李星明(245) Buddhist Elements in Sui and Tang Funerary Art as Seen on the Stone Columns along the Spirit Paths in Tang Mausoleums……………………………Li Xingming 唐代花鸟画研究新视野 ——墓葬材料引发的思考…………………………刘婕(271) A New Vista in the Study of Tang Dynasty Bird-and-Flower Paintings: Ideas Inspired by Funerary Evidence…………………………………Liu Jie 图像与仪式 ——宋金仿木构砖雕壁画墓图像题材探析………邓菲(285) Images and Ceremonies: Decorative Motifs in Painted Brick Tombs of the Song-Jin Period with Imitation-Timber Structures………………………Deng Fei 勉世与娱情 ——宋金墓葬壁画中的一桌二椅到夫妇共坐……张鹏(313) Moral Instruction and Entertainment: From the One-Table/Two-Chairs Motif to the Joint Portraits of Husband and Wife in Song-Jin Tomb Murals ……………………………………………………Zhang Peng 空间逻辑与视觉意味 ——宋辽金墓“妇人启门”图新论……………李清泉(329) Spatial Logic and Visual Significance: Reinterpreting Images Representing Women in Half-Open Doors in Song, Liao, and Jin Tombs ……………………………………………………Li Qingquan 蒙元壁画墓时代特征初探 ——兼论登封王上等壁画墓的年代……………董新林(363) A Preliminary Study of Period Characteristics of Yuan-Dynasty Painted Tombs, with a Related Discussion on the Dates of Painted Tombs at Dengfeng, Wangshang, and Other Sites……Dong Xinlin


