


艺术史 巫鸿 考古 艺术史学与物质文化研究 历史 考古学



前言 Introduction 第一部分:虞弘石椁与华化粟特美术 Part One: The Yu Hong Sarcophagus and Sinicized Sogdian Art 太原隋代虞弘墓石椁浮雕的初步考察………………………………………………张庆捷(3) A Preliminary Study of Relief Carvings on the Stone Sarcophagus of Yu Hong at Taiyuan………………………………………………Zhang Qingjie (3) 隋检校萨保虞弘墓石椁画像石图像程序试探………………………………………………姜伯勤(29) The Pictorial Program of the relief Carvings on the Sui Dynasty Stone Sarcophagus of Yu Hong………………………………………………Jiang Boqin(29) 粟特祆教美术东传过程中的转化——从粟特到中国………………………………………………荣新江(51) From Sogdian to China: The Transformation of Sogdian Zoroastrian Art during its Eastward Migration………………………………………………Rong Xinjiang(51) 青州北齐画像石与入华粟特人美术………………………………………………郑岩(73) Northern Qi Pictorial Carvings from Qingzhou and Sinicized Sogdian Art: An Observation Inspired by the Yu Hong Sarcophagus and Other New Archaeological Finds………………………………………………Zheng Yan(73) 第二部分:墓葬反映的文化艺术的互动与交融 Part Two: Cultural and Artistic Interaction as Reflected in Burials 创造宇宙:汉唐时期中国北方墓葬中所见的文化交流………………………………………………罗森(113) Creating Universes: Cultural Exchanges as Seen in Tombs in Northern China between the Han and Tang Periods………………………………………………Jessica Rawson(113) 从高句丽到甘肃和新疆:公元4至7世纪北亚洲的墓葬和祭祀空间………………………………………………夏南希(153) From Koguryo to Gansu and Xinjiang: Funerary and Worship Space in North Asia 4th-7th Centuries………………………………………………Nancy S. Steinhardt(153) 三燕文化墓葬的类型与分期………………………………………………田立坤(205) Typology and Periodization of Tombs of the Three Yan Culture………………………………………………Tian Likun(205) 东晋时期北方移民对南方墓葬影响的重新评估………………………………………………安然(231) Northern Influence in Tombs in Southern China after 317 CE?——A Reevaluation………………………………………………Annette Kieser(231) 第三部分:遗址、石窟寺与装饰图像反映的文化艺术的互动与交融 Part Three: Cultural and Artistic Interaction as Reflected in Sites, Grottos, and Decorative Motifs 尼雅学研究的其实………………………………………………韩森(275) 交汇、融合与变化——一以敦煌第249、285窟为中心………………………………………………马世长(299) 北周拉梢寺艺术中的中亚主题………………………………………………罗杰伟(315) 中古时期中国装饰艺术中的阿娜希塔女神及其有关象征图样和纹样………………………………………………卡雷茨基(341) 第四部分:绘画题材反映的文化艺术的互动与交融 Part Four: Cultural and Artistic Interaction as Reflected in Painting Subjects 河西魏晋壁画墓初论——河西与中原文化关系的一个视点………………………………………………郑岩(387) 由墓室到墓道——南北朝墓葬所见之仪仗表现与丧葬空间的变化………………………………………………赵永洪(427) 汉唐之间对家庭伦理的描绘………………………………………………何重华(463) 第五部分:器物反映的文化艺术的互动与交融 Part Five: Cultural and Artistic Interaction as Reflected in Objects 从堆塑罐论六朝墓葬仪式的发展………………………………………………丁爱博(509) Developments in Funerary Practices in the Six Dynasties Period: The Duisuguan堆塑罐 or "Figured jar" as a Case in Point………………………………………………Albert E. Dien(509) 中国古代的禽兽纹刀环及其对海东的影响………………………………………………孙机(547) Ancient Chinese Sword Handles with Bird and Animal Ornament and Their Influence on Korea and Japan………………………………………………Sun Ji(547) 鲜卑金银器研究………………………………………………齐东方(559) A Study of Xianbei Gold and Silver Objects………………………………………………Qi Dongfang(559)


