Little Women

Louisa May Alcott


英文原版 小说 外国文学 LouisaMayAlcott Women 美国文学 美国 Little


Bantam Classics

LITTLE WOMEN is one of the best-loved books of all time. Lovely Meg. talented Jo ,frail Beth, lpoiled Amy:these are the four March sisters, who learn the hard lessons of poverty and of growing up in new England during the Civil War, Through their dreams, Plays, pranks ,letters, illnesses, and courtships, women of all ages haave become a part of this remarkable family and have felt their deep sadness when Meg leaves the circle of sisters to be married at the end of partⅠ. PartⅡ chronicles Meg's joys and mishaps as a young wife and mother, Jo's struggle to become a writer, Beth's tragedy, and Amy's artistic pursuits and unexpected romance, Based on Louisa May Alcott's childhood, this lively portrait of nineteenth-century family life possesses a lasting vitality that has endeared it to generations of readers. This Bantam Classic edition contains PartsⅠ andⅡ in their entirety. With and Afterword by Nina Auerbach. 作者简介:Born in 1832, Louisa May Alcott was the second child of Bronson Alcott of Concord, Massachusetts, a self -taught philosopher, school reformer, and utopian who was much too immersed in the world of ideas to ever succeed in supporting his family. That task fell first to his wife and later to his enterprising daughter Louisa May. While her father lectured, wrote, and conversed with such famous friends as Emerson, Hawthorne, and Thoreau, Louisa taught school ,worked as a domestic servant at atge nineteen, The small sums she earned often kept the family from complete destitution, but it was through her writing that she finally brought them fina\ncial independence."I will make a battering-ram of my head ," she wrote in her journal, "and make a way through this rough-and tumble word." Now a famous writer, she continued to turn out novels and stories and to work for the women's suffrage and temperance movements, as her father had worked for the abolitionists, Bronson Alcott and Louisa May Alcott both died in Boston in the same month, march of 1888.


