American Ways

Gary Althern,Janet B


外语学习 美国 American Cuture


Intercultural Press

Whether you're a business person visiting for a week or a foreign student visiting for a semester, American Ways, A Cultural Guide to the United States covers all your basic needs-from the trends and customs of day-to-day activities to the more esoteric customs regarding cultural values, politics, education, religion and relationships. In this revised edition, Gary Althen and Janet Bennett have added material that provides the clearest insights yet into the American psyche and culture, reflecting many of the monumental changes that have occurred since the previous edition's publication. The authors discuss the lasting effects of the Bush-administration policies and controversies as well as the impact of the nation's first black president. An updated chapter on social relationships and the effect that networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook have had on meeting people and creating friendships is also included. American Ways helps any newcomer to the U.S. make an easier transition.


