Nations and Nationalism

Ernest Gellner


nationalism 政治学 民族主义 社会学


Cornell University Press

Table of Contents About the Authors vii About this Edition viii Editor's Preface to the First Edition R. I. Moore, Founding Editor ix Acknowledgements for the First Edition xi Introduction John Breuilly xiii 1 Definitions 1 State and Nation 3 The Nation 5 2 Culture in Agrarian Society 8 Power and Culture in the Agro-literate Polity 9 Culture 11 The State in Agrarian Society 13 The Varieties of Agrarian Rulers 14 3 Industrial Society 19 The Society of Perpetual Growth 23 Social Genetics 29 The Age of Universal High Culture 34 4 The Transition to an Age of Nationalism 38 A Note on the Weakness of Nationalism 42 Wild and Garden Cultures 48 5 What is a Nation? 52 The Course of True Nationalism Never did Run Smooth 57 6 Social Entropy and Equality in Industrial Society 62 Obstacles to Entropy 63 Fissures and Barriers 72 A Diversity of Focus 73 7 A Typology of Nationalisms 85 The Varieties of Nationalist Experience 94 Diaspora Nationalism 98 8 The Future of Nationalism 106 Industrial Culture - One or Many? 110 9 Nationalism and Ideology 118 Who is for Nuremberg? 125 One Nation, One State 128 10 Conclusion 131 What is not being Said 131 Summary 133
Nationalism is one of the most powerful forces in the modern world, yet it is surprisingly little studied and only imperfectly understood, either by its adherents or its opponents. Its irruption into the modern world is often explained as a resurgence of primitive, atavistic instincts, or as a delusion fostered by a few theoreticians, politicians or propagandists. The present volume interprets nationalism in terms of its social roots, which it locates in industrial social organization. A society that aims for affluence and economic growth, Professor Gellner argues, depends on innovation, occupational mobility, mass media, universal literacy, and education in a shared, standard idiom. Taken together these transform the relationship between culture and the state. The functioning of the society depends on an all-embracing educational system, tied to one culture and protected by a state identified with that culture. The principle one state, one culture makes itself felt, and political units which do not conform to it feel the strain in the form of nationalist activity. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Table of Contents About the Authors vii About this Edition viii Editor's Preface to the First Edition R. I. Moore, Founding Editor ix Acknowledgements for the First Edition xi Introduction John Breuilly xiii 1 Definitions 1 State and Nation 3 The Nation 5 2 Culture in Agrarian Society 8 Power and Culture in the Agro-literate Polity 9 Culture 11 The State in Agrarian Society 13 The Varieties of Agrarian Rulers 14 3 Industrial Society 19 The Society of Perpetual Growth 23 Social Genetics 29 The Age of Universal High Culture 34 4 The Transition to an Age of Nationalism 38 A Note on the Weakness of Nationalism 42 Wild and Garden Cultures 48 5 What is a Nation? 52 The Course of True Nationalism Never did Run Smooth 57 6 Social Entropy and Equality in Industrial Society 62 Obstacles to Entropy 63 Fissures and Barriers 72 A Diversity of Focus 73 7 A Typology of Nationalisms 85 The Varieties of Nationalist Experience 94 Diaspora Nationalism 98 8 The Future of Nationalism 106 Industrial Culture - One or Many? 110 9 Nationalism and Ideology 118 Who is for Nuremberg? 125 One Nation, One State 128 10 Conclusion 131 What is not being Said 131 Summary 133


