Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World



威权主义 政治学


Cambridge University Press

Prologue Valerie Bunce, Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss Part I. Waves of Regime Change: From Dictatorship to Democracy … and Back?: 1. The missing variable: the 'international system' as the link between third and fourth wave models of democratization Michael McFaul 2. A regional tradition: the diffusion of democratic change under communism and post-communism Valerie Bunce and Sharon Wolchick Part II. Encouraging Democracy: The Role of the EU: 3. When Europeanization meets transformation: lessons from the unfinished East European revolutions Alina Pippidi 4. Democratization in post-communist Europe: illiberal regimes and the leverage of the European Union Milada Vachudova Part III. Choosing Regime Change: Democratizing Elections: 5. A post-communist transition in two acts: the 1996–97 antigovernment struggle in Bulgaria as a bridge between the 1989–92 and 1996–2007 democratization waves in Eastern Europe Tsveta Petrova 6. Defining and domesticating the electoral model: a comparison of Slovakia and Serbia Valerie Bunce and Sharon Wolchik 7. Georgia's rose revolution: from regime weakness to regime collapse Cory Welt 8. Importing revolution: internal and external factors in Ukraine's 2004 democratic breakthrough Michael McFaul Part IV. Resisting Reform: Backsliding Democracies and Enduring Autocracies: 9. Resistance to contagion: sources of authoritarian stability in the former Soviet Union Lucan Way 10. Comparing oranges and apples: the internal and external dimensions of Russia's turn away from democracy Kathryn Stoner-Weiss 11. Contagion deterred: preemptive authoritarianism in the former Soviet Union (the case of Belarus) Vitali Silitski 12. A horse of a different color: revolution and regression and Kyrgyzstan Scott Radnitz Epilogue: the changing character of the global struggle for democracy Valerie Bunce, Michael McFaul and Kathryn Stoner-Weiss.
This volume brings together a distinguished group of scholars working on Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to examine in depth three waves of democratic change that took place in eleven different former Communist nations. Its essays draw important conclusions about the rise, development, and breakdown of both democracy and dictatorship in each country and together provide a rich comparative perspective on the post-Communist world. The first democratic wave to sweep this region encompasses the rapid rise of democratic regimes from 1989 to 1992 from the ashes of Communism and Communist states. The second wave arose with accession to the European Union (from 2004 to 2007) and the third, with the electoral defeat of dictators (1996 to 2005) in Croatia, Serbia, Georgia, and Ukraine. Although these three waves took place in different countries and involved different strategies, they nonetheless shared several overarching commonalities. International factors played a role in all three waves, as did citizens demanding political change. Further, each wave revealed not just victorious democrats but also highly resourceful authoritarians. The authors of each chapter in this volume examine both internal and external dimensions of both democratic success and failure. 1 Contains a unique group of country cases, with each chapter presenting new empirical data and analysis 2 Tightly organized around the causes of transitional successes and failures 3 Both North American and in-country experts are included in the distinguished list of authors


