John D. Rockefeller, Sr.--history's first billionaire and the patriarch of America's most famous dynasty--is an icon whose true nature has eluded three generations of historians. Now Ron Chernow, the National Book Award-winning biographer of the Morgan and Warburg banking families, gives us a history of the mogul "etched with uncommon objectivity and literary grace . . . as detailed, balanced, and psychologically insightful a portrait of the tycoon as we may ever have" (Kirkus Reviews). Titan is the first full-length biography based on unrestricted access to Rockefeller's exceptionally rich trove of papers. A landmark publication full of startling revelations, the book will indelibly alter our image of this most enigmatic capitalist.
Born the son of a flamboyant, bigamous snake-oil salesman and a pious, straitlaced mother, Rockefeller rose from rustic origins to become the world's richest man by creating America's most powerful and feared monopoly, Standard Oil. Branded "the Octopus" by legions of muckrakers, the trust refined and marketed nearly 90 percent of the oil produced in America.
Rockefeller was likely the most controversial businessman in our nation's history. Critics charged that his empire was built on unscrupulous tactics: grand-scale collusion with the railroads, predatory pricing, industrial espionage, and wholesale bribery of political officials. The titan spent more than thirty years dodging investigations until Teddy Roosevelt and his trustbusters embarked on a marathon crusade to bring Standard Oil to bay.
While providing abundant new evidence of Rockefeller's misdeeds, Chernow discards the stereotype of the cold-blooded monster to sketch an unforgettably human portrait of a quirky, eccentric original. A devout Baptist and temperance advocate, Rockefeller gave money more generously--his chosen philanthropies included the Rockefeller Foundation, the University of Chicago, and what is today Rockefeller University--than anyone before him. Titan presents a finely nuanced portrait of a fascinating, complex man, synthesizing his public and private lives and disclosing numerous family scandals, tragedies, and misfortunes that have never before come to light.
John D. Rockefeller's story captures a pivotal moment in American history, documenting the dramatic post-Civil War shift from small business to the rise of giant corporations that irrevocably transformed the nation. With cameos by Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, Jay Gould, William Vanderbilt, Ida Tarbell, Andrew Carnegie, Carl Jung, J. Pierpont Morgan, William James, Henry Clay Frick, Mark Twain, and Will Rogers, Titan turns Rockefeller's life into a vivid tapestry of American society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is Ron Chernow's signal triumph that he narrates this monumental saga with all the sweep, drama, and insight that this giant subject deserves.
From the Hardcover edition.
即将拥有人鱼线的ziki的评论年度大戏赶上了直播 可能要错过老干爹打RNG的第一局了 but 喷子麻烦带点脑子 全国联赛唯一的卫冕冠军是你能刚的?万人主播鱼总是你能黑的?TITAN的id是你这种傻逼能挂的?连个比赛服都没有 还学人家喷主播带节奏?是真的好笑。美航Fate 垃圾俱乐部 烂屌 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
爱可可-爱生活的评论"MXNet 帕斯卡架构 Titan X 速度评测"
工业科技迷的评论#制造业强国#宝马推出Titan概念摩托形似“蝙蝠侠战车”。 土耳其设计师穆罕默德·埃德姆(Memet Doruk Edem)受到鲨鱼流体力学的启发,通过仿生设计最大限度的降低摩托车在行驶过程中产生的阻力设计了BMW Titan概念车。关注本微博,欣赏全球精彩设计
Morning丶Sunshine的评论砍了HBM 2、双精度及4路SLI,Titan X显卡凭啥卖1200美元? - 超能网 超能网(Expreview)专注于为主流科技产品提供全新视角的资讯,专注于100%高价值原创内容的创造,专注于最真实的体验式报道。 网页链接
artag的评论#w两个世界# #戈雅# 吴妍珠欧尼在父亲工作室发现的画是西班牙画家戈雅“黑色绘画”系列中最为著名的《吞食其子的农神》(Saturn Devouring His Son),此画以阴暗恐怖闻名。画中表现的是罗马神话中农神克洛诺斯(Titan Kronos)为了防止儿子们夺权斗争而将他们全部吃掉,此处象征父亲想要把姜哲杀死。
Jedisnake的评论我在听这张专辑《Titan Quest Official Soundtrack》 -Michael Verrette ★★★ 网页链接
英国文艺那些事儿的评论宝马Titan概念摩托...下一秒要变形了吧..(设计:Mehmet Doruk Erdem)
樱花十字的评论所以titan x 到底哪里能订到,不是2号就发售了吗。。。
吴昊小二郎的评论今年显卡的终极武器,单卡刷遍4K无压力…… 『终极神器 NVIDIA正式发布新TITAN X』7月22日,NVIDIA官方发布了一条新旗舰显卡的宣传片--全新Pascal架构TITANX显卡,并公布了产品的正式上市日期8月2日,如今新TITA... @ZOL中关村在线 阅读链接: 终极神器 NVIDI...
Canyouseetheclownwee的评论这个TITAN X 我到底是买还是不买。。。。