
Margaret Cheney


特斯拉 传记 NikolaTesla



In Tesla: Man Out of Time, Margaret Cheney explores the brilliant and prescient mind of one of the twentieth century's greatest scientists and inventors. Called a madman by his enemies, a genius by others, and an enigma by nearly everyone, Nikola Tesla was, without a doubt, a trailblazing inventor who created astonishing, sometimes world-transforming devices that were virtually without theoretical precedent. Tesla not only discovered the rotating magnetic field -- the basis of most alternating-current machinery -- but also introduced us to the fundamentals of robotics, computers, and missile science. Almost supernaturally gifted, unfailingly flamboyant and neurotic, Tesla was troubled by an array of compulsions and phobias and was fond of extravagant, visionary experimentations. He was also a popular man-about-town, admired by men as diverse as Mark Twain and George Westinghouse, and adored by scores of society beauties. From Tesla's childhood in Yugoslavia to his death in New York in the 1940s, Cheney paints a compelling human portrait and chronicles a lifetime of discoveries that radically altered -- and continue to alter -- the world in which we live. Tesla: Man Out of Time is an in-depth look at the seminal accomplishments of a scientific wizard and a thoughtful examination of the obsessions and eccentricities of the man behind the science.



  • lullaby喵的评论
    穿着这种鞋出门坐地铁简直自作孽不可活 拍了好几张终于如实反映了它的高度。。。我的tesla在哪[抓狂][抓狂][抓狂]
  • 酱猪头肉蝙蝠侠的评论
    Look into the #future #tesla #electriccar @ Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) 网页链接
  • Anaconda_Liew的评论
    Tesla Model X 交车仪式 暨特斯拉天环体验店开业典礼 @特斯拉 广州·天环广场
  • 抠脚二娃的评论
    随便听听 分享 Tesla 的歌曲《Only You》Only You(分享自@虾米音乐)
  • 李萌Iemon的评论
    昨晚见到一辆tesla,大写的帅[酷] 北京
  • zizon的评论
  • 可恶的欧洲人的评论
  • 司空力贞的评论
    【Tesla Roadster敞篷跑车】这是第一辆使用锂电池技术每次充电能够行驶320公里以上的电动车。Tesla Roadster每单次充电可行驶393公里,0至60英里,加速时间仅为3.7秒。Roadster每公里耗电量为0.135度,效率高达92%。
  • 酒冷茶瘦的评论
    University club 门口停了一辆Tesla model s, 突然发现它有和Jaguar XF 极像的屁股
  • 小鞋在流浪的评论
    Welcome to try Tesla at Quarry Bay~ 香港特区·英皇道 6...