
Bill Bryson


莎士比亚 BillBryson 英文原版 传记


Eminent Lives

在线阅读本书 William Shakespeare, the most celebrated poet in the English language, left behind nearly a million words of text, but his biography has long been a thicket of wild supposition arranged around scant facts. With a steady hand and his trademark wit, Bill Bryson sorts through this colorful muddle to reveal the man himself. Bryson documents the efforts of earlier scholars, from today's most respected academics to eccentrics like Delia Bacon, an American who developed a firm but unsubstantiated conviction that her namesake, Francis Bacon, was the true author of Shakespeare's plays. Emulating the style of his famous travelogues, Bryson records episodes in his research, including a visit to a bunkerlike room in Washington, D.C., where the world's largest collection of First Folios is housed. Bryson celebrates Shakespeare as a writer of unimaginable talent and enormous inventiveness, a coiner of phrases ("vanish into thin air," "foregone conclusion," "one fell swoop") that even today have common currency. His Shakespeare is like no one else's—the beneficiary of Bryson's genial nature, his engaging skepticism, and a gift for storytelling unrivaled in our time.



  • 毛恩恭的评论
    #Hello六月##William Shakespeare# Love's not Time's fool though rosy lips and cheeks within his bending sickle's compass come. Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks but bears it out even to the edge of doom. Love Story[鲜花][心]
  • AuraLeee的评论
    不知道为什么,美丽的shakespeare文字换个组合方式变成,financial 然后我就读到要恶心了,xxxxxxx心好塞。。我真的。。。明天就要去赴死了,我真的。。。一脸懵逼,一脑浆糊。[生病]
  • 红玫瑰也是野蔷薇的评论
    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.——William Shakespeare 深圳
  • 公孙乌龙的评论
    感谢一篇微信公众号的快餐短文,勾起对读Shakespeare时的平和安逸的向往。可怜自己,原可以拥有更静谧平和、蓬勃朝气的力量,却唾之于世俗功名、益来利往的枯朽。 南京·天津新村住宅小...
  • ZHOU-YU-JIE的评论
    大概是六年级时的体育课看了终极三国 然后受了同桌的强力安利 终极系列变成了小时候超级爱看的 但是现在看来真的很中二[眼泪] 记忆深刻的只有亚瑟王老是说Shakespeare说XXX 还有一直觉得修是一个很关键的重要人物[眼泪] 小时候竟然花了整个暑假看终极一家 放到现在可能两三天就刷完了[闭眼]
  • 宋小ophelia的评论
    Brand: Shakespeare RepublicDesigner:Ophelia SongCollection: InnocenceMakeup and Hair: MK Studio God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (Corinthians 5:21)/
  • 北大西洋coldsnap的评论
  • 请给我一颗明亮的星星的评论
    和fishsong来看话剧 Richard III 真心觉得爱上了Shakespeare以后要多多来受艺术熏陶 ps: theater真的太美了 在家门口看话剧觉得自己赚到了
  • HONEYSU的评论
    今天的活动竟然请了马薇薇.....shakespeare lives.....从朋友圈转的图...
  • Ianthey的评论
    @皇家莎士比亚剧团 400周年的SHAKESPEARE LIVE from The RSC的DVD终于送到了![心] 5月30日发售日订的,今天送到,经历了整整四周漫长等待!虽说外壳有点小破碎,但还是满心欢喜![haha] #ShakespeareLives#