A sad story#你是我唯一想带却带不动的妹#每当我告诉自己好了好了就拿一把首胜然而……( ˙-˙=͟͟͞͞)我明天一定要一雪前耻!可能胡蓉心中我的高大形象已经崩塌但我要让它重新树立起来!嘿嘿嘿=͟͟͞͞ (✦◡̶͂✦)ᵎᵎ@hhhhole
我的节目《[阳光正好,微风不燥。]》,来自FM1373630 TELL A STORY,快来听听(下载@荔枝FM 可离线收听) [阳光正好,微风不燥...
I'll live a life in the way I want from now on but I'll not tell you what is it like until there is someone who is really interested in hearing my story. Nite.
利物浦坐堂,世界最丑的教堂,披斗士,酒吧,码头……story 英国·利物浦
I saw this illustration story book at a charity shop in Hammersmith on my way to wo @ Finchley Road 网页链接
Nobody will understand what you"re going through ·Only you can say what you"re gonna do !!! Keep Smiling to the future and I believe it will return "a big Laugh "to me when the time comes.#Here is the story about The GUINNESS WORLD RECORD with 843 amazing brides in Guangzhou#