Friends 'Til the End

David Wild


friends 美剧 老友记 美国


Time Inc Home Entertainment

这是一部关于爱情、性和事业的片子; 是生命中“一切皆有可能”的一段时光…… 是关于对忠诚和安逸的追求…… 也是对忠诚和安逸的恐惧; 最重要的是 它是关于友情 因为,当你单身、年轻时 在城市中, 你的朋友就是 你的家人。 Friends(六人行/老友记)是美国NBC电视台于1994年开始推出的电视情景喜剧,迄今为止已经播出十个拍摄季,超过200集。由华纳兄弟公司〈Warner Bro.〉出品。 整部戏由三男三女共六位俊男美女担纲演出,不时请到明星与设计师等各界名流客串参与,播出以来一直为NBC电视网的招牌戏之一。本剧的六位明星分别为大卫.修蒙、珍妮佛.安妮斯顿、马修.派瑞、寇特妮.克斯、麦特.雷布兰克和丽莎.库卓。 他们六个扮演“朋友们”住在纽约市区的公寓中;他们之间的友情、爱情和事业就是这部电视剧的主线,六个人鲜明的个性、幽默的性格使得《六人行》在欧美国家获得了巨大的成功,它已经成了新一代美国青年人的“必看电视剧”,也多次刷新了美国晚间档节目的收视记录。 从1994年至今,《六人行》共获得了33次艾美奖的提名,其中四次为“杰出喜剧奖”提名;因为演员们的出色合作,还群体获得了1996年的电影演员工会奖;该剧还被三次提名金球奖的最佳电视剧音乐剧喜剧奖;《六人行》曾经三次获得公众选择奖。 在很多高校里,《Friends》这部美国情景喜剧正以“学英语”的正当名义,成为学生们交流的热点话题。既能学到标准的美式英语,还可以在轻松幽默中了解美国文化。如果你至今还没看过Friends;如果你在网络时代的今天还用老式的磁带学英语;那可以很负责的告诉你:你落伍了! Book Description THE ONLY OFFICIAL BOOK TO COINCIDE WITH THE FINAL EPISODE OF A CULTURAL PHENOMENON! This visually beautiful book includes a recap of the entire Friends phenomenon, illustrated with art and photos of assorted memorabilia, along with the story of the evolution of Friends over the years. At the heart of the book is a close look at what was going on behind the scenes and on the screen during each of the ten seasons, with episodic and behind-the-scenes photos. It features a collection of the best lines and jokes - the unmatched wit and wisdom of Friends. Interviews with the cast, writers, and producers, and a spotlight on Friends guest stars such as Tom Selleck and Brad Pitt make this collection a must-have for the 30 million viewers who have tuned in for the past ten years! From Booklist Friends fans around the world are mourning the end of the show's 10-year run, but they'll have this lavishly illustrated book to console them. Photographs, both from the episodes and behind-the-scenes, abound, but the many "exit interviews" will be what draws readers. Interviews with the primary six cast members, the show's creators, and some of the prominent recurring guest stars make up the majority of the text in the book. Die-hard fans might know most of the interesting tidbits--that Monica and Joey were intended to be the show's main couple, not Ross and Rachel, or that Monica and Chandler's romance was supposed to be short-lived--but some of the frank discussions in the interviews (like the other cast members' worries and frustrations over Matthew Perry's long battle with an addiction to painkillers) will intrigue passionate friends fans. A guest star notes that "Disneyland and the friends set are the two happiest places on earth," and everything the cast and creators say backs that up. Fans will seek out this fun retrospective.                                Kristine Huntley About Author Wild was born in New York City and raised in Tenafly, New Jersey. Overly opinionated even before his voice changed, he wrote his embarrassing first reviews for the Tenafly Middle School paper. After graduating from the Loomis Chafee School in Windsor, Connecticut, he attended Cornell University, where he did an independent major in arts journalism through the College Scholar Honors Program. From his freshman year on, Wild was arts editor of The Cornell Daily Sun, where he bored and annoyed his fellow students with his glib perspective on music, film, and television. While at Cornell, he studied creative writing with William Kennedy, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Ironweed. Kennedy’s recommendation helped him get hired as an associate editor at Esquire after he graduated in 1984. In 1986, Wild was hired away by Rolling Stone. From 1988 to 1991, he served as music editor, supervising the magazine’s music coverage. In 1991, he moved to Los Angeles and concentrated on writing full time. Book Dimension: length: (cm)27.9             width:(cm)22.7


