
Neil Gaiman


NeilGaiman 奇幻 小说 童话 英国 尼尔·盖曼 coraline 英文原版书


William Morrow Paperbacks

Coraline lives with her preoccupied parents in part of a huge old house--a house so huge that other people live in it, too... round, old former actresses Miss Spink and Miss Forcible and their aging Highland terriers ("We trod the boards, luvvy") and the mustachioed old man under the roof ("'The reason you cannot see the mouse circus,' said the man upstairs, 'is that the mice are not yet ready and rehearsed.'") Coraline contents herself for weeks with exploring the vast garden and grounds. But with a little rain she becomes bored--so bored that she begins to count everything blue (153), the windows (21), and the doors (14). And it is the 14th door that--sometimes blocked with a wall of bricks--opens up for Coraline into an entirely alternate universe. Now, if you're thinking fondly of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, you're on the wrong track. Neil Gaiman's Coraline is far darker, far stranger, playing on our deepest fears. And, like Roald Dahl's work, it is delicious. What's on the other side of the door? A distorted-mirror world, containing presumably everything Coraline has ever dreamed of... people who pronounce her name correctly (not "Caroline"), delicious meals (not like her father's overblown "recipes"), an unusually pink and green bedroom (not like her dull one), and plenty of horrible (very un-boring) marvels, like a man made out of live rats. The creepiest part, however, is her mirrored parents, her "other mother" and her "other father"--people who look just like her own parents, but with big, shiny, black button eyes, paper-white skin... and a keen desire to keep her on their side of the door. To make creepy creepier, Coraline has been illustrated masterfully in scritchy, terrifying ink drawings by British mixed-media artist and Sandman cover illustrator Dave McKean. This delightful, funny, haunting, scary as heck, fairy-tale novel is about as fine as they come. Highly recommended. (Ages 11 and older)



  • 银鱼菇的评论
    终于明白了什么叫叶公好龙....之前惦记了很久吃土也要入的Coraline娃娃,真的送到手里后......God it's creepy.....
  • 是我是我还是我555的评论
    @Coraline肉肉 总觉得这张照片你把我照的好瘦啊~[鲜花][鲜花][鲜花]
  • 做个干净清爽的人的评论
  • 丸子噢哟的评论
    #蝙蝠飞进宿舍#这话题让我想到...大一的时候某天凌晨2点多麻雀飞进了对面寝室hahahahaha@Coraline_Hu @莱汀汀
  • 音乐Rainbow的评论
    分享一个不错的MV:影视原声-《Dreaming <鬼妈妈(Coraline)>片头曲》(来自 @酷狗音乐 海量曲库,极致音质)网页链接妈妈也是没办法 真的很可怕 老大介绍我看的电影我看了听到音乐美所以记下了电影名字[闭嘴]
  • philip的理智粉蓓蓓蓓呀的评论
    逃了会,和@果果Coraline_ 去看了毕业晚会!没错,为了去看帅学姐[害羞]和学姐离得最近的一次[笑cry]他们站在门的左侧,我们站在右侧!哈哈哈开心满足!学姐毕业快乐! 秒拍视频 .
  • 也猪的故事的评论
    #舌尖上的端午节# 记忆里一直吃甜粽。糯米不加碱,由奶奶辈用粽叶包成大大小小的圆锥体,甚是可爱。 或蒸或煮,飘出的香味是糯香混合粽叶香,那是一种熟悉而温暖的味道,是属于端午的特有味道。 @读者原创版 @小哥的story @Coraline小吉 @莫奈的崖径
  • 古爷_一直都是霸总小皇帝_唐门的评论
    @Coraline_Leung 睿哥还记得这个长颈鹿吗[喵喵][喵喵][喵喵]
  • 又一颗头颅傲娇的抬起的评论
    睡午觉 梦到咱们换宿舍 还在想开完班会回来怎么分床位 很认真的想 。热醒了 哦,我们已经毕业了@Coraline朱小惠 @麻辣孜然 只有我们三个的宿舍
  • 侯小猴的世界的评论
    Coraline~生日快乐,像童话一样永远长生不老[干杯] 생일축하해[蛋糕]