
Mary Shelley


MaryShelly 科幻 小说 英国 英国文学 Gothic 外国文学 原版


Bantam Classics

"I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life and stir with an uneasy, half-vital motion." A summer evening's ghost stories, lonely insomnia in a moonlit Alpine's room, and a runaway imagination--fired by philosophical discussions with Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley about science, galvanism, and the origins of life--conspired to produce for Marry Shelley this haunting night specter. By morning, it had become the germ of her Romantic masterpiece, Frankenstein . Written in 1816 when she was only nineteen, Mary Shelley's novel of "The Modern Prometheus" chillingly dramatized the dangerous potential of life begotten upon a laboratory table. A frightening creation myth for our own time, Frankenstein remains one of the greatest horror stories ever written and is an undisputed classic of its kind.



  • DanaeDx的评论
    祝你幸福 宝贝@9Frankenstein [喜]回来请你吃火锅 →_→
  • Pillowtowel的评论
    Victor Frankenstein 刚看完 呃 和原著还是有差别的 呃..看到莫娘很激动 还有就是一美的角色倾向..这个片子真的不适合截图..蛋泥在里面真蠢萌..还有一美的眼睛和眼泪 清澈..--日常吸詹--
  • 易烊千玺英国首站的评论
    #Hey,易烊千玺视频来电##易烊千玺# Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock. (Frankenstein, 1818) You are like knowledge that I'm addicted to, especially when you are dancing. Night night, Jackson
  • 我喜欢你HF思密达的评论
    快考试咯[哈哈][哈哈]@Frankenstein丨wy @GD--Heart
  • 丸子_巴萨手动F5的评论
    #低俗怪谈# s3的结局接受无能 这整个一季走向都怪怪的 难怪收视下跌...showtime宣布取消续订 估计也不会有s4了 不过我真的超喜欢这部的 刚开始因为有Frankenstein、Dorian Gray、Dracura、Wolf...各种喜欢的人物都凑在一起 整个画风也超级喜欢 Eva原本就超喜欢 然后就这么结束了 还是有点莫名其妙的结
  • achiever王艾维的评论
    妈惹 Frankenstein去找Lily站在她家窗外那个眼神我他妈心都碎了[泪]
  • wuli婉琪宝宝的评论
    @i麻辣书生i @Loafer_Frankenstein #长板女孩#纪念我们一起度过的第一个长板日,因为下雨所以躲到了商场里。。。不过我们真正的'活动在6.25嘿嘿,大搞一番,喵'[微风][微风][微风] 大庆·奋斗街区
  • hehetutu的评论
    讲述创造出科学怪人的科学家的故事 《维克多·弗兰肯斯坦》Victor Frankenstein(2015),时光网评分6.4,剧情/恐怖,片长110分钟,导演保罗·麦奎根,主演詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊/丹尼尔·雷德克里夫,更多详情:网页链接 (分享自 @时光网Mtime) 网页链接
  • 拜拜老三的评论
    【高清】弗兰肯斯坦的军队 Frankenstein’s Army (2013) 黑夜为猫 #哔哩哔哩动画# 【高清】弗兰肯斯坦的...
  • 我不是浮夸的女子的评论
    一言不合就偷拍,是不是很帅@Frankenstein_坤 [心]