
Malcolm Gladwell


成功 思维 心理学 社会学 MalcolmGladwell 心智 社会科学 Success


Little, Brown and Company

In this wide-ranging third installment of Malcolm Gladwell's exploration of how people and social phenomena work, the New Yorker journalist takes a close look at what constitutes high levels of success. That is, what makes people at the top of their respective fields get there? As we've come to expect from Gladwell's previous books, the answer to the question is a bit complicated. He says that upbringing, culture and even random luck have something to with success, but there is another important quality that anyone can control. Two chapters are dedicated to the "revelation" that IQ is only a baseline quality and success has little to nothing to do with having a high IQ or a low IQ. Rather, success is substantially a product of cultivating a high degree of what Robert Sternberg calls "practical intelligence" or what most refer to as "emotional intelligence." Gladwell uses the example of Nobel laureates coming from unknown schools as often as ivy league schools. At this level of mastery IQ is no longer a factor. Success has little to do with where you were educated and everything to do with your level of practical/emotional intelligence and willingness to put in the 10,000 hours of practice required to reach mastery of your field. All in all, it's an interesting read that isn't too heady and goes by pretty quickly, as the interesting anecdotes are what you would expect from Gladwell.



  • Zanyo锻炼起来的评论
    odds = prob/(1 - proba); leptokurtic, kurtosis>3, means more peaked, but FAT TAIL; playkurtic, kurtosis<3, but thin tail because it produces less extreme outliers than Normal.
  • Cecilia皮皮妞的评论
    #Outliers: The story of success# 解释一个问题,为什么你一百五的智商,却在做着二百五的工作。1、你爹不行;2、你没赶上机遇;3、你没有在专注的领域练习到一万小时;4、制度不行。当然,智商不行好像不在讨论范围呢?智商决定了是否进入金字塔,而以上决定了你在金字塔的top还是bottom [挖鼻]
  • ocean11us的评论
    Malcolm Gladwell说,他写Outliers,主要是强调那些成功人士和明星的成功很大程度上取决于环境和努力,天分和智商远没有那么牛逼,没想到,“一万小时”一举成名。访谈中,详细解释他跟理论创始人的分歧所在 网页链接
  • Little-BlingBling-La的评论
    Recommend OUTLIERS to you. From FangSuo bookstore. Youth Day.
  • 曼根的姐姐的评论
  • 本钢新闻的评论
    #好书推荐#《异类 utliers 不一样的成功启示录》本年度最值得期待的作品,《异类》Outliers连续20多周雄踞《纽约时报》畅销书榜。如果有人说某某人士的成功是因为他是一个天才,那么本书会毫不迟疑地对他说不!因为持这种论调的人往往忽视了成功不能缺失的两个环节:机遇和文化传承。
  • dualityform的评论
  • 2016努力学英语的评论
    谢谢小意@意趣英语 [羞嗒嗒]追风筝的人收到啦!选择困难症患者在纠结是和Outliers同时看还是先看完Outliers再来这本[笑cry]
  • 懒洋洋减肥的评论
    @意趣英语 #意趣28天读书计划#Day 2 Outliers The author uses the example of hockey to show us 4 implication . 1.The Matthew Effect ~put it easy is the more you better the more you could get. 2.The systems we set up to determine who is gets ahead are not particularly efficient.
  • 努力练字的评论