
Johann Wolfgang von


外国文学 歌德


W. W. Norton & Company

The Norton Critical Edition of Goethe's master-piece is again based on the distinguished translation of Walter Arndt and includes Parts I and II complete. The "Interpretive Notes" by the editor have been greatly expanded and set in a larger, more readable type. "Contexts" includes selections from Goethe's correspondence, working plans, and other writings relevant to the evolution of the drama. Excerpts from his conversations with Eckermann concerning the composition of Part II are included. Also included are several illustrations to Part I by Eugene Delacroix and Peter Cornelius, as well as visual sources used by Goethe from Giorgione, Correggio, and Raphael. "Comments by Contemporaries" includes eleven early assessments of Faust, among them--new to the Second Edition--excerpts from Wilhelm yon Humboldt, Henrik Steffens, Thomas Carlyle, Margaret Fuller, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. "Modern Criticism" has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent developments in Goethe scholarship, especially in the United States. The ten contributors, all new to this edition, are Stuart Atkins, Jaroslav Pelikan, Benjamin Bennett, Franco Moretti, Friedrich A. Kittler, Neil M. Flax, Marc Shell, Jane K. Brown, Hans Rudolf Vaget, and Marshall Berman. Also included is a recent poem by John Hollander, "What the Lovers in the Old Songs Thought."



  • 乐正家的白狮的评论
    【天依阿绫言和心华星尘】浮士德Faust【原创曲PV付】【踏云社】 UP主: FFFFFran #哔哩哔哩动画# 太好听了!!!!!!!!!人声本家也是!!!!!太棒了!!!! 【天依阿绫言和心华星...
  • 华小鲵的评论
    #bilibili#【奇幻】浮士德.Faust.2011.德语中字 UP主:VincentSAMA 【奇幻】浮士德.Fa...
  • 乐正琳_的评论
    太用心了这个#bilibili#【天依阿绫言和心华星尘】浮士德Faust【原创曲PV付】【踏云社】 UP主:FFFFFran 【天依阿绫言和心华星...
  • SL_埋酱的评论
  • 音乐之人的评论
    【视频:Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Faust - der trag die zweiter teil(H rspiel)】 (分享自 @优酷) Johann Wol...
  • 小弓長童鞋的评论
    果喜欢听的歌剧。[闭眼] 分享 Balguerie Suzanne 的歌曲《Faust : Air Des Bijo...》Faust : Ai...(分享自@虾米音乐)
  • 流脓毒男St_Sid的评论
    ♫我正在收听这首单曲:Lazar Berman-Episodes For Lenau's Faust_ Mephisto Waltz No. 1, _Der Tanz In Der Dorfschenke_♫Episodes F... (来自@QQ音乐 听手机QQ音乐,QQ等级加速升!)
  • 逗大师的评论
    不要因为觉得肯定没有停车位了,就把车停在距离目的地20个街区远的地方。直接去你想去的地方,如果车位已满,再绕回来。在醒着的时间里,追求你认为最有意义的,否则你会后悔的。人生之路很长,总有时间去实施备选方案,但不要一开始就退而求其次。——哈佛校长Drew Gilpin Faust的择业停车位理论
  • liebe巴卫夏目大人的评论
  • 力拔山兮女汉子的评论
    为什么最近一直是贝多芬呢?[思考] Isabelle Faust;Jiří Bělohlávek 的歌曲《Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61: III. Rondo (Allegro) 》Violin Con...