
E. M. Forster


E.M.Forster Maurice 小说 英国 英文原版 英国文学


W. W. Norton & Company

Set in the elegant Edwardian world of Cambridge undergraduate life, this story by a master novelist introduces us to Maurice Hall when he is fourteen. We follow him through public school and Cambridge, and on into his father's firm, Hill and Hall, Stock Brokers. In a highly structured society, Maurice is a conventional young man in almost every way, "stepping into the niche that England had prepared for him": except that his is homosexual. Written during 1913 and 1914, immediately after "Howards End," and not published until 1971, " Maurice" was ahead of its time in its theme and in its affirmation that love between men can be happy. "Happiness," Forster wrote, "is its keynote. In "Maurice" I tried to create a character who was completely unlike myself or what I supposed myself to be: someone handsome, healthy, bodily attractive, mentally torpid, not a bad businessman and rather a snob. Into this mixture I dropped an ingredient that puzzles him, wakes him up, torments him and finally saves him." 注:该书有3个封面内容完全一致,货品随机发送



  • _CookieZHOU_的评论
    #鱼论#2016-07-01 Fri 昨天下班后赶去参加的一个有关interactive media的讲座 2D-2.5D-3D 分享的案例有点老了 但看到BOX还是会想起Maurice 还是觉得燃燃嘚! 完成emotion&emoji是我最对的选择
  • 骨朵猫宁的评论
    [160628]#Maurice Compte##From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series##杀出个黎明#电视版第三季杀青!这个秋天见!
  • 夏至七季_的评论
  • Disco_Jay的评论
    “25岁时,我到德国学习,迷茫和困惑了整整两年,热爱和好奇心使我坚持了下来,现在,我50岁。”--- Maurice[心] 感恩......
  • Clcl星鱼的评论
    别再错过我 谁别在错过谁呢 就是自己的自己呀。( ̄^ ̄)ゞmaurice说呢对~ 怕喃啊 怕喃 我还有很多事要做。
  • 时间观念TimeSquare的评论
    2016年6月24日,瑞士艾美表(MAURICE LACROIX)于上海洛克公园(ROCKER PARK)举办 “艾尚时间 无所不聚” 天猫旗舰店开幕暨携手聚名品合作启动仪式新闻发布会,这是由启怡华嘉所大力促成的多方合作赢家组合,为竞逐高端线上腕表市场吹响第一声号角。呼应近日日渐加温的欧州杯和贴合2016年品牌 “巴塞
  • 海青_Sarah的评论
    十多年前在北图借到一本旧书,The Romance of Tristram and Iseult, 里面有Maurice Lalau作的美丽插画。1910年版的书当年居然可以借出来,也是一种类型的奇迹。
  • XwJul18的评论
    分享maurice moore 的歌曲 the loudes...
  • pianomin的评论
    ♫我正在收听这首单曲:Maurice Jarre-_Doctor Zhivago_ Suite♫"Doct... (来自@QQ音乐 听手机QQ音乐,QQ等级加速升!)
  • Get乐师的评论
    分享 Maurice Vander 的歌曲《Everything Happens t...》Everything...(分享自@虾米音乐)