6.26 Shakespeare 26/42 Irrelevant too is the question of weather Hamlet is a true tragedy,seeing that Horatio are both reasonably sure that their hero will be sung to his rest by 'flights of Angels'.
0701#夏说句读# 24/42《读懂莎士比亚》1.hamlet's indecisiveness,Macbeth 's ambitiousness,othello's jealousy,king leer's aging.2.other is blind to one 's virtues and characterize him by his one failing3.角色的变换,给观众批判思考的间隙。4. The only thing I know is I don't know
#Hamlet# Teatro Cervantes 30/06/2016[心]
#天天英语#There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. —The Tragedy of Hamlet其实世事并无好坏,全看你们如何去想。 —— 《哈姆雷特》_来自词霸每日一句网页链接
25/42,26/42,#夏说句读# Hamlet 英雄式的质疑,要么是放弃复仇自我救赎却被仇人杀害,要么是杀害仇人自我毁灭。在一个充满谎言的世界,英雄的存在本身就是一个悲剧。The actual disease of Denmark is not a giant conspiracy but rather a lack of curiosity and concern about matters unseen
Dylan Bell by Horacio Hamlet - Models.com
0629#夏说句读#25/42读懂莎士比亚:1.histrionic装模作样,注意不要与historic弄混;2.because the mind herself cannot be trusted这里面的herself指Hamlet头脑中的两个念头,复仇与正义;3.swear royalty to…向…表忠心。@教书匠小夏 @-阿树老师-
电影《哈姆雷特 National Theatre Live: Hamlet》 (来自豆瓣) 全程三小时无尿点,演员很投入敬业,虽不如电影来的惊心动魄,但那毕竟是个小舞台的现场,已能将观众带入情绪,非常了不起。舞台灯光布景,尤其是第一幕结束时的风暴很震撼,有机会还是更想体验现场。 网页链接
#LetsMovie with Laurence Olivier as HAMLET (‘48) tomorrow night at 10PM ET/7pm PT