The "alarming and impassioned"* book on how the Internet is redefining constitutional law, now reissued as the first popular book revised online by its readers (* New York Times ) There's a common belief that cyberspace cannot be regulated-that it is, in its very essence, immune from the government's (or anyone else's) control. Code , first published in 2000, argues that this belief is wrong. It is not in the nature of cyberspace to be unregulable; cyberspace has no "nature." It only has code-the software and hardware that make cyberspace what it is. That code can create a place of freedom-as the original architecture of the Net did-or a place of oppressive control. Under the influence of commerce, cyberpsace is becoming a highly regulable space, where behavior is much more tightly controlled than in real space. But that's not inevitable either. We can-we must-choose what kind of cyberspace we want and what freedoms we will guarantee. These choices are all about architecture: about what kind of code will govern cyberspace, and who will control it. In this realm, code is the most significant form of law, and it is up to lawyers, policymakers, and especially citizens to decide what values that code embodies. Since its original publication, this seminal book has earned the status of a minor classic. This second edition, or Version 2.0, has been prepared through the author's wiki, a web site that allows readers to edit the text, making this the first reader-edited revision of a popular book. -
这是迄今为止的第一部因特网政治经济学。因特网正在带动政治经济向所谓的数字资本主义转变,然而这场划时代的转变对大多数人来说并不吉祥。那么数字资本主义产生的主要原因是什么?它有哪些主要特征?这种目标为数字资本主义的千禧转变将会带来什么? 丹・希勒作为国际知名的互联网和IT方面的评论家,他以大师般的手笔撕开了互联网的神话,揭露了这个世界的最强大的公司和最有钱的投资家,他们真正的欲望和目的,并将数字通信系统置放在全球政治和经济的核心地位中予以剖析。 本书对深陷迷幻药般互联网幻觉中的人们,对于陷入了商业“欣快症”和“预言狂热症”之中的世界不啻是一帖最好的清醒剂。 -
首先通过概念分析使读者了解到互联网治理的独特之处以及国家是如何塑造并限制这些独特之处的,接着叙述了全球互联网治理机构的历史演化过程,最后考察了四种驱动互联网治理变革的主要力量,以及互联网用户与著作权和商标拥有者之间的斗争、互联网安全与国家安全之间的关系、对互联网内容进行的监管与审查、由关键互联网资源的跨国治理引起的公共政策议题与制度困境等。《网络与国家:互联网治理的全球政治学》不仅适合信息与传播学、通信与信息的政治经济学专业领域的人士阅读,也适合关注互联网管理与政策领域的普通读者阅读。 -
在本书中,作者对中国互联网的历史做了一次突破性的研究,细致又全面地观察了中国互联网对于国家和社会的影响,发现互联网给中国的社会—政治变革带来了新的动力。政府权力和社会力量在以互联网为媒介的公共领域中转换。 从大量的数据梳理和事实分析中,作者得出了四重的研究结论。首先,互联网给政府和社会都增加了权力。互联网在促进政治自由化中扮演了重要的角色,使政府更加开放、透明和负责任。第二,互联网产生了大量的影响,高度分散和超越了政府权力的限度。第三,互联网为政府和社会彼此间的契约和分离创造了一个新的基础结构。第四,互联网创造了一种政府和社会的回归关系。政府和社会之间在互联网上相互作用,最终重塑了政府和社会。 -
本书为英美等国多位专家学者研究成果的汇集,它从传播、社会,文化、政治及经济等多种角度对网络这一全新的媒介及其所孕育的网络文化,进行了全方位的研究。所涉及的研究对象与领域非常广泛,这些研究揭示了个体。社群、企业、民族等对网络的不同层面的需求,以及运用网络的不同方式,也揭示出网络中各类成员及各种影响因素之间复杂的互动关系。 本书既描绘了英美等国网络媒介研究发展的纵向线索,也勾勒出了网络研究领域的全面轮廓,同时还提供了多种网络传播研究的方法与思路,对于中国的网络媒介研究具有重要的借鉴意义。 -
Lean Analytics
If you're involved with a startup, analytics help you find your way to the right product and market before the money runs out. But with a flood of information available, where do you start? This book shows you what to measure, how to analyze it, and how to report it, whether you're evaluating your business model, testing new features, enticing investors, or reporting progress to advisers. Written by Alistair Croll (founder of Coradiant) and Ben Yoskovitz (co-founder of Year One Labs), Lean Analytics lays out practical, proven steps to take your startup from initial idea to product/market fit and beyond. Examples and case studies show entrepreneurs and intrapreneneurs (entrepreneurs inside larger organizations) how to identify and measure a startup's single most important metric, and how to iterate until you get it right. While the authors primarily cover technology startups, their lessons can be applied far beyond the Web. Even traditional businesses are embracing a lean, learn-first approach, as demonstrated by owners of a San Francisco deli that used a temporary "pop-up" method to optimize their menu and operations before launching a permanent restaurant.