《不懂心理学就别当讲师》内容简介:在培训中。你遇到过这样的问题吗?面对成人授课,学员在想什么,你要怎么做才能让他们更好地学习呢?你提问时,遇到学员的反对,怎么办?在课堂上有学员不想发言,你有什么高招让他开其金口呢? 面对这些问题,你该如何应对?如何从内容到形式、从外表到内在、从自己有料到让别人学会呢? 培训就是一场心理博弈战,如果你想让一场培训完美地谢幕,就必须读懂学员的内心并了解他们的需求.这样才能立于不败之地。 《不懂心理学就别当讲师》是作者8年培训经验的总结,他将实战中的授课经验与经典的心理学原理结合起来阐述,告诉你如何运用心理学原理提升授课技巧、丰富课堂教学、完善课程设计、活跃现场气氛.从而使培训效果更显著,让讲师更受欢迎。掌握这些心理学利器,一定会让你在培训实战中如虎添翼。 成为优秀的讲师。从懂点心理学开始! -
《6个月学会任何一种外语》是一本高效学习指南。在当下快节奏和碎片化的时代,要想“6个月”学会一种外语看似是个“神话”,《6个月学会任何一种外语》则为做到这一“神话”从心理学的科学原理出发,结合作者多年的教育实践经验,创造出一套科学高效、方便易学的外语学习的思路和方法,颠覆了传统的外语学习方式。书中具体包括快速学习外语必知的5项核心原则、7个关键行为、7种心理素质,以及6个月学英语的具体行动指南。书中还配有核心方法练习的视频二维码,帮助读者理解概念的同时,通过视频讲解把快速学外语的方法及时掌握,在增加阅读体验的基础上,使您真正意义上在“6个月”找到学会外语的便捷途经,实现这个看似不可能的“神话”。 -
人与人的交往,就是心与心的较量。 在本书中,你将了解到肢体语言和心理学领域的最新研究成果,这些知识将有助于你拨开云雾见晴天,看懂他人内心的真实世界。同时,你还将看到聪明人是如何运用读心术,迅速获得他人的好感,并且不露痕迹地影响身边的人。这些技术将有助于你获得超级人气,成为人生的终极赢家。 当你掌握了心理学与读心术之后,你将会发现:结识人、琢磨人、了解人是一件多么有意思的事情——对方有再多的掩饰也只是给你提供更多的佐证,供你把他内心研究得更加透彻。 -
编辑推荐:美国国际培训师协会推荐:本书是有史以来最重要的学习类图书!它能教你如何开发脑能,学得更快、更好。更快更有效地掌握知识,最充分地开发机能,全面提升个人生活的品质,最大程度发掘自己的潜能,轻松通过各类考试,更快、更有效地做事。 在知识经济时代,一切都以10倍速度发展,人类进入了一个“只有学习才能生存”的时代。个人学习力的缺乏,将是对生存的最大威胁。如何最快、最有效地学习,成为每个人面临的挑 -
The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance
This 2006 book was the first handbook where the world's foremost 'experts on expertise' reviewed our scientific knowledge on expertise and expert performance and how experts may differ from non-experts in terms of their development, training, reasoning, knowledge, social support, and innate talent. Methods are described for the study of experts' knowledge and their performance of representative tasks from their domain of expertise. The development of expertise is also studied by retrospective interviews and the daily lives of experts are studied with diaries. In 15 major domains of expertise, the leading researchers summarize our knowledge on the structure and acquisition of expert skill and knowledge and discuss future prospects. General issues that cut across most domains are reviewed in chapters on various aspects of expertise such as general and practical intelligence, differences in brain activity, self-regulated learning, deliberate practice, aging, knowledge management, and creativity. -
A Mind For Numbers
Whether you are a student struggling to fulfill a math or science requirement, or you are embarking on a career change that requires a higher level of math competency, A Mind for Numbers offers the tools you need to get a better grasp of that intimidating but inescapable field. Engineering professor Barbara Oakley knows firsthand how it feels to struggle with math. She flunked her way through high school math and science courses, before enlisting in the army immediately after graduation. When she saw how her lack of mathematical and technical savvy severely limited her options—both to rise in the military and to explore other careers—she returned to school with a newfound determination to re-tool her brain to master the very subjects that had given her so much trouble throughout her entire life. In A Mind for Numbers, Dr. Oakley lets us in on the secrets to effectively learning math and science—secrets that even dedicated and successful students wish they’d known earlier. Contrary to popular belief, math requires creative, as well as analytical, thinking. Most people think that there’s only one way to do a problem, when in actuality, there are often a number of different solutions—you just need the creativity to see them. For example, there are more than three hundred different known proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. In short, studying a problem in a laser-focused way until you reach a solution is not an effective way to learn math. Rather, it involves taking the time to step away from a problem and allow the more relaxed and creative part of the brain to take over. A Mind for Numbers shows us that we all have what it takes to excel in math, and learning it is not as painful as some might think!