本书作者Duncan Sidwell具有多年语言教学和教材编写方面的经验,从西方人的视角叙述欧洲文化的发展变迁,语言地道 、见地。本书既可用作高样英语专业文化课教材,也可供水平相当 的英语学习者参考,具有 如下特点: 结构清晰,系统、全面地介绍了欧洲文化,注重史实,详略得当。 图文并茂,并配CD-ROM光盘,最大限度扩充内容,提供更多教学参考。 提供了详细的教学建议,每章均有引言和总述,每节标题下均附重点内容提示,概要介绍该部分内容。 每章设复习题及讨论题,注重文化的横向比较,把欧洲文化的发展放在世界文化发展的宏观背景中,有意识地引导学习者深入思考。 附录中提供了大量实用的信息,如:哲学术语汇总、英语人名地名汇总、希腊罗马神话中诸神对照表等,方便读者查阅。 本书分10章按时间顺序介绍了欧洲文化的源流发展。最大的特点是,避免了一般历史书枯燥乏味的叙述,代之以具体的历史史实,从而增加了趣味性和可读性。本书内容丰富,配有许多精美图片,由于需要扩展内容较多,延伸的部分以光盘的形式出现。 -
Ancient Rome
Take a trip back in time and find out what life in Ancient Rome was really like. From gladiators and giant baths to foreign wars and fabulous villas, let your child discover what the Roman world was like for both its citizens and slaves. Fantastic facts and dramatic photographs will bring Ancient Rome to life and inspire your child with a love of learning and discovery. It is brilliant for homework and school projects, or just for fun! -
《从古代英语到标准英语》是“当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库”系列丛书之一。本书以历史文本为基础,通过对历史文本的介绍、阐释和评论,描述英语的演变。 This practical and informative course book is a fascinating, visual volume which leads the student through the development of the language from Old English, through Middle and Early Modern English to the establishment of standard english in the eighteenth century. At the core of this subatantially expanded second edition lies a series of nearly 200 historical texts, of which more than half are reproduced in facsimile. and which illustrate the progressive changes in the language. The book is firmly based upon linguistic description. with commentaries which form a series of case studies demonstrating the evidence for language change at every level-handwriting, spelling, punctuation. vocabulary, grammar and meaning. Such a wealth of texts, as well as the structured activities and the various case studies, allow the ovlune to be used not only as a stimulating course text., guiding students through the analysis of data. but also as a comprehensive resourec book and invaluable reference tool for teachers and students at all levels. Dennis Freeborn was formerly Head of English Language and Linguistics at the University College of Ripon York St John. and Chief examiner in A-level English L anguage. ULEAC. He is now Director of York English Language Studies Associates (YELSA). providing A-level Englihsh language teaching materiabssand in-service courses. -
你知道吗,boycott(抵制)、July(七月)、sandwich(三明治)都跟历史人物有着密不可分的联系?英语语言中有一份重要且丰厚的遗产,那就是源自人名的词汇和短语。这些词语或来自神话、圣经、传说故事中的人物,或取自文学作品中的人名,又或者与科学家、发明家、探险家的名字有关。作者追根溯源,为你讲述这些词语的含义和词源故事,让你在识记单词的同时获得阅读的乐趣。 -
20世纪的英国经历了纷繁复杂的内外部变化。在内部,固守传统与改革创新持续对立,经济萧条、阶级矛盾和地区分野时常引发社会和政府内部的冲突;在外部,两次世界大战中英国均遭受巨大冲击,殖民地民族主义运动声势渐大,大英帝国不断衰落。 然而,20世纪对于英国来说又是一个社会进步、成功转型的时代,历经沧桑的不列颠仍然维持了其大国的地位。那么,这个世纪的英国遇到了哪些危机和挑战?它又是如何应变与调整的?本书在详论这些问题的同时,从政治、经济、社会和文化等各方面给读者展现了一幅20世纪英国的全景图。