Ancient Rome matters. Its history of empire, conquest, cruelty and excess is something against which we still judge ourselves. Its myths and stories - from Romulus and Remus to the Rape of Lucretia - still strike a chord with us. And its debates about citizenship, security and the rights of the individual still influence our own debates on civil liberty today. SPQR is a new look at Roman history from one of the world's foremost classicists. It explores not only how Rome grew from an insignificant village in central Italy to a power that controlled territory from Spain to Syria, but also how the Romans thought about themselves and their achievements, and why they are still important to us. Covering 1,000 years of history, and casting fresh light on the basics of Roman culture from slavery to running water, as well as exploring democracy, migration, religious controversy, social mobility and exploitation in the larger context of the empire, this is a definitive history of ancient Rome. SPQR is the Romans' own abbreviation for their state: Senatus Populusque Romanus, 'the Senate and People of Rome'. -
对于大多数中国人来说,学外语意味着学英语。其中,又有大部分人只注重英语技术层面的使用,对于他们来说,英语只是一种文字符号,不能链接心中的往事,只一味硬记,死记,知其然不知其所以然,所以学得快,忘得也快。正是从这一角度,这本修订版《英语的故事》显示出其独特的价值,是英语学习者的必备入门书。 本书以宽阔的视野,以史诗般的结构,以翔实的资料,讲述了伴随盎格鲁-撒克逊人的入侵,“英语在剑尖下抵达了不列颠”,及它的发展脉络,讲述了英语对世界各大洲的语言和文化上的殖民及由此而产生的语言变种,也讲述了英语发展史上里程碑性质的人物、著作和事件,从乔叟到莎士比亚,到钦定版《圣经》,到韦伯斯特,到马克・吐温,乃至硅谷发动信息革命的机器语言,等等,构成了一幅幅波澜壮阔的历史画面。读者在阅读英语原著时,常有一些困惑或语言难点,无法借助词典解决,在本书中或许会有意外的收获。 本书在写作过程中得到全世界许多语言学专家的鼎力支持,加之语言通俗晓畅,非常耐读,大受读者欢迎。《纽约时报》评论说:“这是一部关于最迷人话题的一流介绍文本。” -
这套《美国学生历史》是美国哈佛大学著名历史学教授爱德华•钱宁专为美国学生撰写的一本关于美国历史的权威教材,它对此后的美国历史教科书产生了不朽的影响。全书从欧洲人发现美洲开始,重点讲述了1600~1900期间300年的美国历史。作者试图通过此书“唤起学生对历史的热爱,而不是死记大量轶事”,因为有些轶事没有多大重要性,有的又基于不可靠的资料。全书共分15篇,共45章,共归纳了485个知识要点,对学生把握全书的脉络与历史线索起到很好的作用。本书于国内首版,采用双语形式,中文只是作为内容和阅读形式的一种补充,每章之后配有相应的练习题和教师建议。对国内学生来讲,这套书也是一本很好的英语读本。配合英文朗读,对提升英语水平一定更有帮助。 The aim of this book is to tell in a simple and concise form the story of the founding and development of the United States. The study of the history of one's own country is a serious matter,and should be entered upon by the text-book writer, by the teacher, and by the pupil in a serious spirit,even to a greater extent than the study of language or of arithmetic. No effort has been made, therefore,to make out of this text-book a story book. It is a text-book pure and simple, and should be used as a text-book, to be studied diligently by the pupil and expounded carefully by the teacher. 海报: -
Lies My Teacher Told Me
Winner of the 1996 American Book Award and the Oliver Cromwell Cox Award for Distinguished Anti-Racist Scholarship Americans have lost touch with their history, and in this thought-provoking book, Professor James Loewen shows why. After surveying twelve leading high school American history texts, he has concluded that not one does a decent job of making history interesting or memorable. Marred by an embarrassing combination of blind patriotism, mindless optimism, sheer misinformation, and outright lies, these books omit almost all the ambiguity, passion, conflict, and drama from our past. In ten powerful chapters, Loewen reveals that: The United States dropped three times as many tons of explosives in Vietman as it dropped in all theaters of World War II, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki Ponce de Leon went to Florida mainly to capture Native Americans as slaves for Hispaniola, not to find the mythical fountain of youth Woodrow Wilson, known as a progressive leader, was in fact a white supremacist who personally vetoed a clause on racial equality in the Covenant of the League of Nations The first colony to legalize slavery was not Virginia but Massachusetts From the truth about Columbus's historic voyages to an honest evaluation of our national leaders, Loewen revives our history, restoring to it the vitality and relevance it truly possesses. -
《美国学生世界历史(套装上下册)(英汉双语版)》让孩子知道一些他们来到这世界之前就已经发生的事情;带孩子走出以自我为中心、封闭在家的生活,这种生活显得过于重要,因为太贴近,就成为孩子们眼中的一切,使他们看不到外面的世界;开阔孩子的眼界,拓宽他们的视野,将过去时代的历史画面展现在他们面前;让他们熟悉历史上一些重大事件和伟人的名字,并把这些事和人在时间和空间上确定下来,作为将来系统学习的基础;向孩子提供一份历史编年档案,并附有要览,这样他们今后学习历史就可以参照这份档案。 海报: -
The Shortest History of Europe
This text offers a rapid overview of European civilisation, describing its birth from an unlikely mixture of three elements - classical learning, Christianity & German warrior culture. Over the centuries, this unstable blend produced distinctive characters, & its coming apart provided the dynamic of European history in modern times.