宗哲和尚以自身的禅僧日常生活,以及曾为云水僧的饮食生活经验为基础,以说故事般亲切的语调,抒情的文字,在本书中娓娓诉说一道道他认为是天地恩赐的精进料理。不但呈现对于精进料理的切身经验与深刻体悟,也在充满禅味的饮食料理中,展现敬天惜物的精神,更充分展现了慢食的新时代生活味与风格。书中特别推荐了加料乌冬面、香菇排餐、白兰地煮黑豆、纳豆咸稀饭、核桃豆腐、宗哲流的一口鸡排等17道精进料理,食材易得、做法简单,让人享受到食材本身最自然、最丰富的绝妙好滋味。 -
明报专栏结集 -
《妲己的任务》讲述一个浑身上下没有丝毫女人味的水若冰被母亲逼着各种相亲,异常毛躁。从某相亲现场回家途中,她捡到了一枚银色的戒指,本想用这枚戒指讨好自己的母亲,以掩饰又一次相亲的失败,却没想到闯入了一个名叫“妲已”的拟真游戏世界,并被迫接了一个“皇者的痴迷”的任务。这个任务之所以被触发,竟是因为她跟母亲吹牛时的一句话——“我要找的男人啊,那一定是家财万贯、权势滔天、貌比潘安、才比子建的!”如果只是接个任务就算了,可这个该死的程序还把她母亲当时的一句回答默认成了完成任务的时间限制——“你能在三年内把自己嫁出去,我就烧高香了!”于是,胸无大志、姿色平庸的水若冰面对的世纪大难题便是:如果三年内找不到一个“皇者”一样的男人为自己痴迷,她就要被游戏程序抹杀,死翘翘!为了能够活下去,水若冰踏上了漫长的“寻夫”之路…… -
A Cook's Tour
The only thing "gonzo gastronome" and internationally bestselling author Anthony Bourdain loves as much as cooking is traveling. Inspired by the question, "What would be the perfect meal?," Tony sets out on a quest for his culinary holy grail, and in the process turns the notion of "perfection" inside out. From California to Cambodia, A Cooks' Tour chronicles the unpredictable adventures of America's boldest and bravest chef. -
即使是初學者也容易了解,把捲法的技法按照技術來分類。按步驟一步一步學習中,自然就越來越進步。務必以能夠教導人的「花樣卷壽司教師」檢定合格的水準為目標。 為了「雖然會做花樣卷壽司,卻不知如何應用在用途上」的人,在各步驟的扉頁介紹盛裝的範例。 只捲一卷是無法高明做好的,但只要反覆捲,無論是誰都可以捲好壽司的。 在實習中所捲的花樣卷壽司包括: 青蛙、電車、玫瑰、桃花、心、汽車、鬱金香、蝸牛、蜻蜓、蝴蝶、熊貓、螃蟹等。經由18種作品,習得所有的技巧加以組合,應用在各種節日伴手禮上、派對上、便當上…在任何場合都受到青睞喜愛。能夠表現花、動物、心、漫畫人物等。 習得在本書稍微不易把握的要領或應用方法,也能學習在講座所教導的技藝。 美味!漂亮!身邊的材料! 受世界注目的日本技法,您也能製作!向「花樣卷壽司教師」挑戰看看! -
The Naked Chef
Naked Its not himits the food! Jamie Oliver, a.k.a. the Naked Chefis Englands #1 bestselling food sensation, a charismatic, streetwise culinary wonder boy whose personality is as fresh and unpretentious as his cooking. In this extraordinary cookbook, Jamie takes all of the trade secrets he has accumulated since he started cooking at age eight and distills them into a refreshingly simple style that really works for people who are passionate about food, but dont always have a lot of time, money, or space. Jamie has applied his strip it bare then make it work principle to all his mealsfrom salads to roasts, desserts to pastasand has created a foolproof repertoire of simple, feisty, and delicious recipes that combine bold flavours with fresh ingredients. With more than 120 fuss-free recipes, The Naked Chef, a sumptuous feast for the eyes as well as the stomach, is modern cooking at its best.