Show Stopper
Showstopper! is a vivid account of the creation of Microsoft Windows NT, perhaps the most complex software project ever undertaken. It is also a portrait of David Cutler, NT's brilliant and, at times, brutally aggressive chief architect. Cutler surely ranks as one of the most impressive software engineers the field has ever produced. After leading the team that created the VMS operating system for Digital's VAX computer line--an accomplishment that most would regard as a lifetime achievement--he went on to conceive and lead the grueling multi-year project that ultimately produced Windows NT. Both admired and feared by his team, Cutler would let nothing stand in the way of realizing his design and often clashed with his programmers, senior Microsoft management, and even Gates himself. Yet no matter how involved he became in managing his 100-programmer team, he continued to immerse himself in every technical detail of the project and write critical portions of the code himself. Showstopper! is also a fascinating look at programmer and managerial culture behind the Microsoft facade. The portraits of the men and women who created NT not only reveal the brilliance of their work but the crushing stress and the dislocating effects that new wealth had on their lives. For some team members, the NT project ultimately destroyed their marriages, friendships, and virtually every human relationship outside of work. Showstopper! also reveals the uncertainties, false starts, and blind alleys that dogged the project as Microsoft repositioned NT from an improved OS/2 to something that would ultimately challenge both OS/2 and Unix for the title of the world's most powerful operating system. -
Idea Man
By his early thirties, Paul Allen was a world-famous billionaire-and that was just the beginning. In 2007 and 2008, Time named Paul Allen, the cofounder of Microsoft, one of the hundred most influential people in the world. Since he made his fortune, his impact has been felt in science, technology, business, medicine, sports, music, and philanthropy. His passion, curiosity, and intellectual rigor-combined with the resources to launch and support new initiatives-have literally changed the world. In 2009 Allen discovered that he had lymphoma, lending urgency to his desire to share his story for the first time. In this long-awaited memoir, Allen explains how he has solved problems, what he's learned from his many endeavors-both the triumphs and the failures-and his compelling vision for the future. He reflects candidly on an extraordinary life. The book also features previously untold stories about everything from the true origins of Microsoft to Allen's role in the dawn of private space travel (with SpaceShipOne) and in discoveries at the frontiers of brain science. With honesty, humor, and insight, Allen tells the story of a life of ideas made real. -
进入哈佛,他却退学;转手之间,他与巨人合作,一花即成世界,他创造了微软帝国,他是人类有史以来影响最广泛的商人!他和他的商业帝国对我们的生活的影响深远而持久! 20岁开始领导微软,31岁成为有史以来最年轻的亿万富翁;37岁成为美国首富并获得国家科技奖章;39岁身价一举超越华尔街股市大亨沃伦·巴菲特而成为世界首富。 比尔·盖茨也曾经和我们一样不名一文,但他知道如何利用自身的优势去抓住身边的机遇,于是,他成功了。 在比尔·盖茨的财富后面,还隐藏着一种更为根本的东西,那就是让他成名或致富的秘密;让他跌倒后重新站起来的经验教训;他经年累月与人与物周旋所摸索出来的黄金法则;他在关键时刻力挽狂澜的精神支持……正是靠着这些,盖茨走到了让我们无比钦羡的人生巅峰。 欲知详情,请看解密他成功的“六卷”圣经…… -
沉寂15年,首次与中国读者见面,揭秘密世界巨头微软公司成功背后鲜为人知的秘密! 如其说这是一本微软的成功史,还不如说他是某一个人的自传。大家都可能会认为是盖茨创造了微软,可是看完这本书,你会发现在微软还有一个人比盖茨更重要。而这个人却很少让人中国读者知道。 作为一名管理者,从本书中您可以“偷窥”到微软公司的管理精华; 作为一名创业者,从本书中您可以找到创业的激情与灵感; 作为一名刚出校园的学生,从本书中您可以看到你未来职业的高标准要求; 作为一名IT从业人员,相信本书是您工作之余的营养大餐,让你一睹微软与Novell的那场决定命运的生死大战; 作为一位普通阅读者,相信本书让您提前领略WINDOWS 7操作系统到来前的技术内幕(微软公司将在09年10月份发布最新操作系统Windows 7,来取代Windows Vitsta 以及Windows XP); 正如大师所言,错过一本好书,就如同错过一场精彩大戏。让我们一起徜徉书海,在书中看这场商场大戏。 -
有人说,他是“全世界的财富”。 3岁识字,5岁读书,9岁小学毕业,12岁考入中国科技大学少年班,成为1978年入学的全国最年轻的大学生,23岁获得乔治•华盛顿大学博士学位,31岁成为IEEE(美国电气电子工程师协会)百年历史上最年轻的院士,33岁回国跟李开复一起创办微软中国研究院,34岁执掌微软亚洲研究院,38岁晋升微软全球副总裁,成为比尔•盖茨智囊团的核心成员…… 在企业家里,他是科学家——他拥有60多项专利,并发表了500多篇学术论文和专著,被美国前总统比尔•克林顿称作“一个灵感的启示”; 在科学家里,他是企业家——他将一个不到10人的微软中国研究院,发展成为拥有3000个聪明脑袋的微软亚太研发集团,被比尔•盖茨视为“微软的宝贝”; 他是——微软全球资深副总裁、微软亚太研发集团主席、微软(中国)有限公司董事长——张亚勤。 本书试图走近张亚勤快慢相谐、动静相宜的世界,走近他“包藏宇宙之机、吞吐天地之志”的心,寻找成长成功的中国路径和中国智慧。