本书系《剑桥文学指南》丛书中的一种,共收入欧美当代著名学者的11篇论文,体现了国外学者近年来狄金森研究的最新成果。该论文及涉及的范围相当广泛,论文大致分为三个部分。第一部分的三篇论文介绍了艾米莉•狄金森去世后作品整理出版过程中的纷争、南方背景对狄金森的影响以及她与密友苏珊通信情况的研究。第二部分的五篇论文分别讲述了狄金森的诗歌技巧、她的存在主义世界观的戏剧性表现、诗歌所呈现的性别特征多样化、她的自我意识以及她的文稿与手迹中体现出来的个性。第三部分主要探讨当时的流行文化、阶级观以及同时代的女性作家对艾米莉•狄金森可能的影响。 本书资料丰富,内容详实,索引完备,是一本理想的指导性读物。 -
開狄金生神秘的面紗,發見驚人的豐富詩篇! 本書精選艾蜜莉‧狄金生的六十首詩,以中英對照的方式展現,並附上詳盡清晰的賞析解讀,為讀者建立狄金生詩作世界的輪廓。人生的禮讚,死亡的反思,信仰的挑戰,內心的小語,真理的追尋,都見於狄金生豐富深奧的詩文創作內容當中,也都具體而微地濃縮在這本中文出版世界罕見的詩文精品內。 本書獲得哈佛大學出版社正式授權,在台翻譯發行上市。本次全面更新內容,除了新增十首詩作,並將書中所附狄金生年表更新,納入學術界最新研究成果。在編排上,依照詩文主題來分類,方便讀者依照作品性質查閱詩文,使讀者飽饗狄金生對孤獨、自然、愛情、心靈、人間、神與天堂、痛苦與喜悅、死亡、永生、詩等主題的創作。 文化大學賴傑威教授並以專文介紹狄金生的一生,分析其詩學基礎與創作內涵。另外收錄美國紐約州立大學水牛城分校物理系教授李榮章與譯者董恆秀的「文學與科學之對話」,從更廣闊的角度來理解狄金生的詩作。本書內容充實,註解詳細,資料完整,又以忠於原文的內容及形式譯為中文,極具收藏及參考價值,更獲得詩人啞弦等多人之推薦。 -
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson proved that brevity can be beautiful. Only now is her complete oeuvre--all 1,775 poems--available in its original form, uncorrupted by editorial revision, in one volume. Thomas H. Johnson, a longtime Dickinson scholar, arranged the poems in chronological order as far as could be ascertained (the dates for more than 100 are unknown). This organization allows a wide-angle view of Dickinson's poetic development, from the sometimes-clunky rhyme schemes of her juvenilia, including valentines she wrote in the early 1850s, to the gloomy, hell-obsessed writings from her last years. Quite a difference from requisite Dickinson entries in literary anthologies: "There's a certain Slant of light," "Wild Nights--Wild Nights!" and "I taste a liquor never brewed." The book was compiled from Thomas H. Johnson's hard-to-find variorum from 1955. While some explanatory notes would have been helpful, it's a prodigious collection, showcasing Dickinson's intractable obsession with nature, including death. Poem 1732, which alludes to the deaths of her father and a onetime suitor, illustrates her talent: My life closed twice before its close; It yet remains to see If Immortality unveil A third event to me, So huge, so hopeless to conceive As these that twice befell. Parting is all we know of heaven, And all we need of hell. The musicality of her punctuation and the outright elegance of her style--akin to Christina Rossetti's hymns, although not nearly so religious--rescue the poems from their occasional abstruseness. The Complete Poems is especially refreshing because Dickinson didn't write for publication; only 11 of her verses appeared in magazines during her lifetime, and she had long-resigned herself to anonymity, or a "Barefoot-Rank," as she phrased it. This is the perfect volume for readers wishing to explore the works of one of America's first poets. -
《英诗经典名家名译:狄金森诗选(英汉对照)》从狄金森的诗集中精选若干名篇,充分地展现了狄金森作品丰富的想象力和高超的诗歌技巧。她的诗作为美国文学作出了重大独创性的贡献。 点击链接进入: 胡适英文文存1:中国文学与社会 胡适英文文存2:中国哲学与思想史 英诗经典名家名译:华兹华斯诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:彭斯诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:叶芝诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:弗罗斯特诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:莎士比亚十四行诗(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:狄金森诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:雪莱诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:拜伦诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:济慈诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:纪伯伦诗选(英汉对照) 英诗经典名家名译:布莱克诗选(英汉对译) -
The Poems of Emily Dickinson
Ralph Franklin, the foremost scholar of Dickinson's manuscripts, has prepared an authoritative one-volume edition of all extant poems by Emily Dickinson - 1,789 poems in all, the largest number ever assembled. This reading edition derives from his three-volume work, The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Variorum Edition (1998), which contains approximately 2,500 sources for the poems. In this one-volume edition, Franklin offers a single reading of each poem - usually the latest version of the entire poem - rendered with Dickinson's spelling, punctuation and capitalisation intact. The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Reading Edition is a milestone in American literary scholarship and an indispensable addition to the personal library of poetry lovers everywhere -